[color=fb4f4f][u][b][center][h3]Cecelia[/h3][/center][/b][/u] Cecelia blushed. "It's alright. It's no big deal. I just- I really don't know what compelled me- not that I wouldn't have helped- I mean I just got concerned when you didn't get up. So you're here for this monster hunting thing because of your parents? I've heard it being called a death mission. I don't think you- I mean, not that you're not- but you seem to be very, you know, frail. I don't mean to offend you, but I wouldn't want someone so young and frail to be sent on a death mission." [i]Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why can't I make a good conversation without ale? I need to start carrying some with me. I hope she understands what I'm trying to say...[/i] Cecelia scolds herself while not changing her body language or facial expression. She feels horrible for young Elisha being thrown out of her house, at her parents' will, to be sent on a suicide mission. Life isn't always fiar, but at that moment, Cecelia just wanted to keep watch over Elisha. This sweet little girl, aparently with a heart condition, being essentially sent to her death? She couldn't let that happen. She was raised by other 'street urchins', as people called those with no house to go to. [i]She wouldn't be able to make it out there by herself. She needs protection, but maybe I'm not the one to do it. I'm just a thief, a loner with nothing to offer her other than my blade, which I dislike using...[/i] But that last sentence sealed her thoughts: she will help Elisha make it back, no matter what. "Elisha, I'm going to personally make sure you make it back home, alright? No matter what." Stunned at her sudden confidence in her voide, Cecelia then smiled at Elisha to sign her words with her body language.[/color] [color=14cedb][u][b][center][h3]Brennen Garron[/h3][/center][/b][/u] Brennen notices another newcomer with an oddly elongated blade on her back. [i]Wow, that'd be a tough fight, if that's her only fighting aparatus. My katana would get nowhere near her with that sword at my throat. She seems to be headed to the palace, so picking a sword fight wouldn't be wise, but I want to see that sweet sword in action.[/i] Brennen's slip up with the shortword melted away as he thought of how to strategically fight against such a long sword, even more so by if she had any other weapons, or magic, that she uses to supplement her sword technique. He keeps looking her over for signs of a shortword hilt or dagger holster, maybe even some hint at magic use, but saw nothing. [i]The sword alone would be a great challenge, but I think sidestepping one overhead attack would essentially end the fight. If she had something else. A shield or smaller weapon, it would make sense, because she could defend any recovery time with one of those. Magic would work even better as recovery-defense.[/i] It just then hit him: she's young. She doesn't seem to be as young as the earlier helped little girl, but still. [i]Maybe I'm just getting old. I'm almost thirty. Most of these people here seem young to me, but maybe I'm just old. I might have to retire soon! I don't wanna do that, I love the fight. I still haven't found my nemesis/rival/perfect-fight-match yet![/i] Brennen stared off into the distance with a mildly concerned face as the thoughts continued down this thought process.[/color]