Reesh slowed his pace when the imperial made a hasty move that ended his life, unfortunate as his spells would have probably helped. Reesh realized these men are probably quite inexperienced in proper combat, only preying on defenseless passers by. Their lack of awareness of their surroundings only added to this belief, meaning Reesh could try to mind-game some victory off of this battle. Using his mace to point at the archer at the gate, hoping Deejaza would take that as a sign to either distract or take out the archer, Reesh then began to jog at the three bandits surrounding the tan Khajiit. Then he began to run. And then sprint. Until he was at charging speed. The clanking of his armour was quickly picked up by the three bandits and they turned their attention to him. The two he was approaching prepared themselves to evade his charge, the one with the loud-mouth barked at him to back off. Reesh, with the help of his tail, managed to shift his weight enough that he could keep his momentum but change his directory into the third bandit, who was caught off by surprise. Lowering himself, Reesh put his entire weight into the bandit, toppling him over while the argonian rolled over top of him. When Reesh had recovered his footing, he quickly threw a heavy, over-head bash at the toppled bandit's head. He was met with the satisfactory and familiar sound of metal meeting flesh. Standing up, Reesh could see the gruesome sight of the fallen bandit's iron helmet slightly caved inward as blood started to pool around it. The argonian looked at the two remaining bandits as they seemed to back up slowly. Looking behind himself, towards the gate entrance, Reesh spotted the bandit archer laying on the ground with two arrows in his chest. Reesh gave a dark smile as he lifted his bloodied mace onto his shoulder, [color=lightblue]"Heh. Honestly... I hoped you would put up more of a fight than that bear did twenty minutes ago."[/color] Reesh lowered himself into an aggressive shield stance, [color=lightblue]"Care to prove me wrong?"[/color] He hoped his made up story about a bear would help frighten them, as well as the fact that two of their buddies had died. If they ran, he wouldn't mind, if they fought, they would probably make mistakes due to either fear or anger. Either way, this should work out in his favor.