"I told you to just play Mario Kart or something!" Katie exclaimed, her bookbag slung over her shoulder as Vio clung to her foot and was dragged behind her through the street. It had been two weeks since he had come to live with her and her roommate; two agonizing weeks as she was forced to put up with his hotheaded and irritating personality. "College isn't a place for brats! Go home!" "But what if another mamodo attacks!?"" Vio cried in response, drawing attention from other pedestrians at the odd scene between them. "We're partners- we need to be together!" "I told you to stop calling us partners," she snapped back, trying to kick him away, "I'm not involved in that crap! Besides which, there are 7 billion people in the world... our chances of running into 1 of 99 mamodo by coincidence seems abysmally low if you ask me." "But... but..." Vio replied while stuttering, only to finally be kicked off Katie's leg and left on the ground as she stomped off dismissively. "Well screw you!" he finally called out to her as she walked away, but quickly backtracked uneasily when she showed no response. "Wait no, I didn't mean that!" [center][i]~~Meanwhile, on the other side of the city~~[/i][/center] [b]"Dezurga!"[/b] A man in a black suit was left wide eyed and jaw agape as he leaned against the far wall of his office in panic as what had just been his desk was now shattered into countless pieces before his very eyes. In the dust kicked up by the spell stood two outlines. "Mr. Hermann, please...! Please don't hurt me!" One of the two outlines stepped forward and emerged through the dust, wearing the uniform of a construction worker complete with a hardhat and bearing a dark scowl. "Tables have turned, haven't they Mr. big shot lawyer? Just a few years ago, I was the one begging you not to ruin my life. Back then I was a low class nobody... I was helpless..." His scowl turned into a slight, dark smile as held up the glowing, light tan spellbook in his arm in demonstration. "But now... now I have power!" The lawyer's eyes began to water as he stared up at the book in desperation, and then darted them downwards to a small boy, no older than 6 with spiky sandy brown hair and lines running down his cheeks standing beside the construction worker. With a spark of recognition, a series of connections were made in his head and he began to speak desperately. "Wait! That book - I've seen one like it before! More than a month ago... there was a strange-looking child who visited our building with one, except it was blue..! He tried to get everyone to read it, but no one could!" He was stringing his words rapidly in attempt to probe for a reaction, and saw a silver lining when he saw the young child flash a look of interest. "I can help you find him... I know what he looks like!" The construction worker's expression, however, had returned to an non-amused scowl. "Mr. Krause..." he said in a low voice, "on that day three years ago, what was it you told me?" "Wha-?" he stuttered. "I- I don't remember, it was years ago!" Tears began to flow down his cheeks. "Please...!" "You said [i]'I don't care'[/I]... so why should I? [b]Dezurga!"[/b] Blood splattered about the room as a spell was unleashed from the boy's mouth and collided with the man.