[quote=@The Slenderman] So +xxxx amount of health is allowed as a enchantment. [/quote] Well, the RP hasn't got mechanics, so giving yourself X amount of HP wont translate the same way it would in a game. But let's say your guy/gal had an amulet that gave them loads of "health". So, they're in a fight with a bandit, but the bandit manages to run them through with his sword. Your character buckles, groaning in agony, but then suddenly brings up their own sword and shoves it in the bandit's neck, killing them. The bandit then falls backwards, pulling his sword with him. Your character would then stumble about the place for a short while, as that amulet worked to heal their wounds. After a few minutes, their flesh would knit itself back together, and hey presto, you're good to go again. Sounds over powered? No. Because if the bandit lopped your character's head/limb off, which I am more than entitled to make happen, then that amulet wont be able to do anything. Also, if an enemy with understanding of magical artifacts/items realised the amulet's importance, they might try to destroy it. So I guess you could interpret Skyrim's health system in this RP with one's ability to regenerate damaged tissue, as well as boosting their pain resistance. That's how I'll play it in any case. Be a bit like having a healer next to you at all times.