Alister smirked ever lightly, watching Aria in the dark. His eyes slowly wandering down over her neck, a pleasant thought of her sweet taste ran through his mind, addicting it was. He swallowed lightly, parting his lips slightly as he shuffled even closer towards Aria. His hand caressing her marks carefully, then letting his gaze flicker up into her eyes. "I... I'll always crave this." He uttered gently, feeling her fingers placed ontop of his own fingers. He turned slightly more towards her, facing her more directly. "Though I should treasure it dearly, not take your tender kindness for granted." Alister sat there for a few long moments, slowly caressing her marks still. His darkned eyes gazing deeply into Aria's in the savoury glimpse of time. "Tell me, sweet Aria... Will you allow me to feast upon you once more?"