[b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Arienne RHD (pronounced Rahad) [B][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] [url=https://thepilver.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/svetlana_korkina_3.jpg]Svelt gymnast body[/url] at 5'4". She only has synthetic hazelnut skin from the neck up and [url=http://www.natural-hair-care-info.com/images/goddess-braids.jpg]cornrows like this[/url] that only go down to the base of the neck. Everything below the base of her neck is segmented hard-plastic plating with soft plastic covered joints. She has bright aqua eyes that almost seem to glow. Oddly enough, she has the ability to transform her ears away to be replaced with bare skin (don't ask, something about being more streamlined an' shit). Her bounty hunter outfit (not that she will have many chances to wear this while enlisted) is a mix of [url=https://www.pinterest.com/pin/484840716110181156/]these pants and boots[/url] and the [url=https://www.pinterest.com/pin/484840716107009699/]whole top portion of this[/url] sans skull mask. It still has the loose and floppy collar so she can bring it up to cover her face like in the [url=https://www.pinterest.com/pin/484840716110181156/]first picture[/url]. In her off time she wears stuff like [url=https://www.pinterest.com/pin/484840716108257245/]this[/url] and [url=https://www.pinterest.com/pin/484840716107762984/]this[/url] with either stockings or pants. She always has gloves on except in private. [B][u]Age:[/u][/b] 43. Looks around 25. [B][u]Race:[/u][/b] Quantum [B][u]Citizenship:[/u][/b] Horizon [B][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Quiet, cautious/wary, and sometimes stern. Very observant of her surroundings and minor details. Can make conversation, but is usually not very talkative. In fact, she likes to keep awkward/oppressive silences and is amused by some people's discomfort. Doesn't laugh, but you can get her to smile. Dislikes oppressive people, or those who try to steal/take/destroy the comfort, daily lives, honor, and rights of those without the means to defend and fight back for themselves. Has a great fondness for all forms of natural water and bodies of water and children except quantums who look like children, but have the voice and/or the mind of an adult. She will nope the hell away from that shit. After a hard or challenging episode/decision in her life, she may burn/destroy one of her sculptures as a way to commemorate and support her progress. [B][u]History:[/u][/b] Created with a raw Quantum AI by a 2nd-gen soldier who fought in the Race Wars, she was raised with a militaristic lifestyle for the first 30 years of her life. Then, seeking to expand her skills in wilder environments, she traveled to FAS territory and spent the next 13 years as a bounty hunter going after rapists, murderers, pirates, violent mobs/gangs, anyone with a bounty who disturbs the peaceful lives of civilians. It was during this time that she discovered a calming hobby of making sculptures and carvings using her myriad of blades, and the occasional chainsaw. She started doing this to practice and refine her precision and technique, but the act eventually began to take a life of it's own. [B][u]Theme Song:[/u][/b] This [url=https://soundcloud.com/leagueoflegends/pulsefire?in=leagueoflegends/sets/league-of-legends-music]song[/url] but she likes listening to [url=https://soundcloud.com/monstercat/insan3lik3-we-are-the-robots?in=tricheus/sets/fav-sorted]techno and funky music[/url]. <-- She is quite amused by the ironic subject matter. [B][u]Cog:[/u][/b] Askalaphos [B][u]Physical Description:[/u][/b] Basically looks like [url=http://picture.enfuniverse.com/anime/patlabor_mobile_police/rt045/06.jpg]this[/url] and [url=http://picture.enfuniverse.com/anime/patlabor_mobile_police/rt045/07.jpg]this[/url]. Eventually upgrades to have a [url=https://hobbysnacks.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/griffon.jpg?w=584]backpack[/url]. [B][u]Tactical role:[/u][/b] Stealth assassin/scout, Frontline skirmisher/duelist [B][u]Evaluation:[/u][/b] [List][*]Cog Score: 8 [*]Pilot Skill: 9 [*]Mental Fortitude: 10 [*]Obedience: 7 [/list][B][u]Weapon/Equipment/Special Systems List:[/u][/b] [List][*][url=http://blog.gundamplanet.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/robot-spirits-epyon-review-24.jpg]Beam Claymore[/url]: About as long as a cog is tall, this powerful beam saber has a containment field that can barely keep the energy in control. Thus, when the blade is swung, it leaves behind a beam trail that can block bullets and beams. [*]Hidden twin Katars: located inside forearm casing. [*]Complex and comprehensive camera system so the cog can see in ALL directions. [*]Lots and lots of thrusters for high speed and maneuverability. [*]ECM base Cloaking system: Physically, the Askalaphos is totally visible. But at long-medium to short range, it is completely invisible to cameras and sensors. [*]Little to no armor and no long range weapons [/list][B][u]Wishlist:[/u][/b] [List][*]Zulfiqar: Looks like [url=http://www.gunjap.net/site/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/MGSI-001.jpg]this, but double sided and thinner[/url] with a modified [url=http://users.teol.net/~vojo/gallery/wip/Narsil_hilt.jpg]handle[/url] and [url=http://www.rittersteel.com/images/scottish-claymore-sword-11.jpg]guard[/url]. The length of this blade is 1.5 times the height of a cog and the even more powerful energy is now better contained for a concentrated effect. The solid middle part of the sword is retractable for storage. The intelligent program of the sword will make it so that the beam part of it stays concentrated in the direction of the swing, but releases the energy on the other side for the beam trails to still happen. Downside, there is actually a flat of the blade, so thus if struck there, the blade can shatter. [*]Tachyon Harp backpack with more thrusters: Allows for subspace hopping for limited range teleportation (BAMF!) and disappearing, and more maneuverability through Dark-Matter surfing. [*][url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs10/i/2006/101/3/4/Hydra_Gundam_by_clem_master_janitor.jpg]Large Shoulder pads[/url] that are actually hidden arms with normal beam blade nozzles. [*][url=http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/seed-msv/lineart/gat-x133-midasmesser.jpg]Beam boomerangs??[/url] Either that or my cog will eventually get head mounted Vulcans, pesky missiles... [/list]