Anna shook her head, "It's not that, I just know you can't move around a lot without getting sick lately." She sat back in her seat, and eyed her friend. She knew that it must be hard for Serena, having everyone take Guardianship over. Anna knew what it was like to feel useless and that was the last thing she wanted her friend to feel so she took a bite of her food and considered how to approach the topic. "So, I know that you must be feeling kind of overwhelmed... I mean, you go from being a kick ass guardian to having to set back and be taken care of. It's important though that you know WHY everyone is making you take that step back. You have to think... if we have a run in with strigoi or even if you're just training, it takes one hit and that would be horrible for you and Seb. I don't think he could take it. We know you're tough, we know if it comes to it you could take care of yourself just fine, but unless it comes to it you should leave the physical part of Guarding to us... Though it wouldn't hurt for you to keep your eyes peeled and those handy shadow-kissed abilities sharpened. You can warn us before anything comes and that's a huge advantage... Even if you might mistake it for morning sickness on occasion." She took a sip of her coffee, "If you wanted you could join me for practices against compulsion... It would make you feel more like a Guardian and it's not something other Guardians have trained at since aside from Strigoi, Spirit users are about the only ones who can do it. I know you could use the time out." ~*~ Seb smiled somewhat at Gunner and went for the more difficult question, "And how are things with you and Anna? I've noticed your back to being friends..."