Serena sighed a little as her friend spoke, saying everything that the rational side of her brain was telling her. However, she just couldn't shake the need to get involved... To still be a guardian. She rested her cheek in her hand and looked at her friend, "I know... It's just... This is something we've worked toward our entire lives... A child... I never planned to have a child and I'm happy, I'm really happy, I am... I just... wish Sebastian and I were in a better position." She ran her hand through her hair, "I don't think I'll take you up on the offer... I don't think I'm going to be a guardian anymore... I've been thinking about... letting someone else guard Sebastian when I have the baby... Let me be a mother and his wife... Let me be part of the family," She sighed again, "And I knew I would have to stop guarding him well before the baby was born but... I still [i]feel[/i] like I can fight... I've fought through feeling ill before," She shook her head, "I'm sorry, Anna... You're right.... You really are... I just wish sometimes that... I didn't have to give it up the... title to have a family." Guardian... That was a title she had worked for her entire life and now, when the baby came and her and Sebastian married, she'd be Mrs. A title that would love just as much but it was a shame she had to forsake a part of herself to get it... And it wasn't like Sebastian was asking her to but she didn't want to have to be professional in public with her family... For that, she'd give up anything. Besides, she could still train... Still protect them but it wouldn't be her job, it would be someone else's. She sat back a little, "I'm feeling fine though... The nurses back at the Academy said that I should start to feel better now, the worst of it should have passed." She ran her hand over her stomach and smiled a little, "The wee one has been a bit of a pain but... I think the worst has yet to come," She laughed a little, "Sebastian can't wait..." She stole a glance at him over at their table and her smile grew slightly, "He's going to make a good father... Better than his own," She felt her eyes stinging and laughed a little, "And here I thought I was done with the unnecessary crying..." ~ Gunner stiffened slightly when Sebastian asked about him and Anna, "We are... But just that," he glanced over at the girl before turning his eyes to Sebastian, "I don't know if it is ever going to be the same between us... I mean, after dating and... I guess our break up... A lot has happened. I'm just hoping that she can get back to who she was before... any of it really.... Before Jace," His face darkened a little at the thought of the man, "I hate that she's working with him... I mean, I'm glad that she is finding a way to... help herself... but I seriously just want to break that man's face." He took a deep breath, pushing the anger back under his mask and looked Sebastian, changing the subject, "So, you're going to be a dad... You know, can't say I ever pegged you for a family man... What with your insanity and alcoholism," He winked a little, bugging his friend about his old ways of self medicating his spirit abilities.