"Alex, Kyle, Jon, Adam, you need to work on your lying skills. Peter, somewhat believable. Banana, that was good enough to be a prepared alibi and I'm giving serious thought to it being a possibility," Orion chuckled. He jogged after the group lightly, quite impressed at the top speed Aerienna could reach. Orion's training focused on his acceleration and deceleration so he could dart around people, so Aerienna's top speed would be easily faster than Orion's. Reaching the weapons room Orion nodded in acknowledgement. This place was fairly advanced, especially compared to his own headquarters of a tall apartment building he took over. Seeing Aerianna's odd choice of weaponry, Orion took off the real rope dart and put it on the backpack he had on the ground. His collared white shirt and jeans weren't the ideal clothes to wear for movement, having originally intended just to draw out anyone wanting to make a deal, but he figured it shouldn't affect him too much.