Vance was starting to get impatient for this event to start. He crossed his arms, with Eve still resting on his shoulder. [i]“I’m bored!”[/i] Eve said in protest of standing around, doing nothing. [color=6ecff6]“I know, we just have to wait for someone to announce what this quest is. Where we go, what to kill, that kind of thing.”[/color] He said, hoping that some conversation would help with her boredom. [color=6ecff6]“Would you rather be back in the woods being chased by demons, or in a nice, safe, town?”[/color] he asked with a bit of a sarcastic tone, turning his head and looking to her on his shoulder. [i]“No, you’re right, we should just wait here.”[/i] she said, looking down to her softly kicking feet. They were both suddenly blinded by the sun reflecting off of something moving in the crowd. Vance raised his hand to cover his eyes, squinting as he tried to see what it was. [i]“Whoa..”[/i] Eve whispered in awe. [i]“Look at that sword!”[/i] she said excitedly. [color=6ecff6]“Sword?”[/color] Vance said, the glare was fading, and he looked around the crowd, seeing a young woman with an interesting looking sword on her back, that he assumed her smaller frame shouldn’t have been able to carry, much less wield with skill. He was mildly interested, but he didn’t like getting too close to people. He still assumed that he would be accepting this quest alone, or so he thought. He formed strong attachments to others that were not easily broken, and he had lost many friends, and allies in battle. The closeness that he had with them made their loss that much harder on him, and he tried not to think too much about it. [i]“Can we at least get closer to the palace?”[/i] Eve said, sounding like if she didn’t do something soon, she may pass away from boredom. [color=6ecff6]“Ok”[/color]. Vance said, sighing. Eve took flight, fluttering her small wings, and staying behind Vance as he walked closer to the palace. The place was so packed, that he had to shove some people out of the way to get through.