[h3][center][color=lightcyan]Basics[/color][/center][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/iMqhnO7.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Ivan 'A' [b]Age:[/b] 47 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] early 60's [b]Height:[/b] 6'8 [b]Weight:[/b] 230 lbs [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown. Sclera are the colour of mud [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Physical Disabilities:[/b] Blind [b]Physical Identifiers:[/b][list] [*] What appears to be the second stage of 'The Sickness' can be seen underneath Ivan's eyes [/list] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Without hood][img]http://i.imgur.com/njNhFyW.png[/img][/hider] Ivan isn't too easy on the eyes for most people, his personal care being greatly neglected as he can't see to take care of himself. His improper diet has led to malnourishment, which keeps him looking chronically ill even if ignoring how his hair has fallen out or the dark patches under his eyes. While he can't know how he looks, Ivan understands it's anything but pretty and very rarely takes off his hood. He rarely takes anything off for that mater; having one set of clothing that he wears like a second skin and it's kept 'clean' by the sand and dirt constantly getting everywhere. Ivan is a rather large man, and despite his somewhat sickly looks is in fairly good physical condition. To go with his height he's also quite heavy set, with a somewhat imbalanced combination of fat and muscle that gives him the physique of a long ago retired rugby player. If it weren't for his nomadic lifestyle he'd be quite unfit, though days on end of trudging through the desert with a heavy pack keep him considerably strong underneath his layer of flab. A large amount of his strength comes from knowing how to throw his weight around though, and his arms are comparably weak to the rest of him. [h3][center][color=lightcyan]Background[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Residence:[/b] Homeless [b]Profession:[/b] N/A [b]Aligned Faction:[/b] N/A [b]Relatives:[/b] Most likely deceased [hider=Backstory] Ivan had been born in a shanty town west of the city now known as Ironhold, the small group of settlers being one of many that traveled between towns looking for work either in construction or labouring. It was a poor setting to be brought up in, with questionable morals with the most notable of which being their skewed view on religion. Life there was very binary for most, with the standard of living being only a little better than 'surviving'. They ate what they found, wore what other people got rid of, and found joy in the simpler aspects of managing to get by in the world. Ivan hadn't really questioned such things, and as he grew older picked up what minimal responsibilities there were to take care of here and there. Music and stories were their only form of culture, many of these tales modeled after the crude understanding of the great beings that controlled the world around them. Ivan's life was on track to soon get a job laying bricks or mining ore, following after those he lived with up until some time after turning fifteen when he contracted 'The Sickness'. People where he lived knew of the disease but had poor knowledge on it, associating it with evil deities and knowing that as soon as the dark circles appeared the issue had to be dealt with. Unfortunately for Ivan, 'dealing with it' was a public display of burning the infected at the stake. Deciding that would not be his fate, Ivan ran off the day his eyes grew shadowed, taking all he could with no plan other than to escape being burned alive and possibly beheaded. In the back of his mind he was scared of what might be next for him, as there was good reason people that got sick were killed like they were, but he felt healthy enough and decided a chance was better than nothing. The boy was ill prepared though, and his fear had made him overlook the dangers of the desert like the sandstorm that struck only a day after he left. He was in pain, hands pawing at the hot sand while his gut twisted and his head pounded. He couldn't see anything, his sight fading as the storm picked up and blindness set in. Ivan was in tears as he felt his end drawing nearer, and prayed for death to claim him quickly. No such thing happened though. The next morning, Ivan awoke covered in sand and began to panic. Just as soon as he wished it, like a giant fish, the desert spat him out from what must have been seven feet underground. Still panicking, Ivan looked around with his no longer working eyes, somehow able to see everything represented in a strange outline before him. All he could see was sand, the gritty substance being the only thing his eyes could recognize and leaving the rest of the world invisible. He'd somehow survived the Sickness, though not without his loses, and was left alone in a world he knew little about. Over the years, Ivan learned of how he'd survived his escape and the status of 'Immortal' that came with it. Though he could feel a connection to all earth and rock, the now young man learned he was limited by how he could only shift materials loose enough to move his hands through which explained his incident in the desert those years ago. It didn't take long for him to realize people could catch on from something wrong with his eyes, and that plus the scarred on sickness on his face was enough reason for Ivan to hide his face which eventually it led to him dawning the hood he has now become so attached to. In an attempt to make his life easier, Ivan had forgotten his surname, decided to keep moving, and try to find joy in what he could such as his chance to learn about the world beyond his home. So he traveled, from place to place, preforming on the streets for money when he needed to buy food and delighting in any company he could find. He'd become quite the skilled flute player, and has learned that his stories entertain a select few who chose to listen to him. Along the way he became more adapt at this way of life, using his abilities to move through the desert and eventually acquiring his somewhat unique weapon to use for quick escapes. People weren't always that happy if they learned he was an immortal, and if they already knew there was no point in trying to make a sneaky exit; only a quick one would do. The rocket launcher always assured there'd be at least some material for him to work with in such cases. In his pursuit of happiness, Ivan spent his money on whatever interested him and after gaining an interest in alcohol it acted as a gateway for more potent substances. Uneducated on the subject, Ivan knew only that the sensations these things brought were enjoyable and actively pursues them any chance he gets with no awareness to how it affects his health. A few years of living like this had somewhat skewed Ivan's perception of the world, and his focus became on the peace he found simply in existence with minimal care taken towards himself. In his opinion Ivan sees himself as enlightened; glad he hasn't confined himself to one place and is free to partake in what he wishes when he can. So he wanders, his head often in another place as he moves from city to city only so he can make enough money for more food and whatever 'sweet treasures' he can obtain. [/hider] [h3][center][color=gold]Gear[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Weapons:[/b][list] [*] [b]Rocket Launcher[/b]: Ivan refers to this as his 'dust kicker', and it's use isn't strictly offensive. It's main purpose is to destroy the earth where the ground may have become compacted or hard for Ivan to utilize. Aim it at the ground, and anything blasted apart becomes loose enough to be manipulated by Ivan. [*][b]Hunting Knife[/b]: A fairly standard boot knife; almost entirely used for utility though it has been pulled in self defense before.[/list] [b]Armor:[/b] Some light padding, including a bullet proof vest, but otherwise it's meant to help keep him from harm as he stumbles about the desert. [b]Ammunition:[/b][list] [*][b]Dirty Rounds:[/b] Three crudely crafted but still functional grenades [*][b]High Grade Rounds:[/b] One military grade grenade, kept in Ivan's pack for an 'emergency'[/list] [b]Backpack:[/b][list] [*]Largely used to carry water bottles, ammunition, and some food. A sleeve of sorts on the outside holds his rocket launcher, and the outer pockets hold a few personal things such as his flute, a filthy compass, and some bandages, a lighter, and a dirty glass pipe.[/list] [h3][center][color=navajowhite]Immortalis Information[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Manifested Phenomena:[/b] Earth Moving. Able to direct anything that will allow itself to be moved. [b]Unique Abilities:[/b] [list] [*][b]Muddy eyes:[/b] Though technically blind, Ivan can still 'see' dirt and sand. Anything dirty appears a la the invisible man covered in flour, and anything clean will escape his notice. To make things more noticeable, Ivan will often drag his dirtied hands on things. [*][b]Sandstorm:[/b] Ivan can swirl any material he has available around him, the particles easily get in people's eyes and if there's enough sand or dirt available he can completely shroud himself. The larger the sandstorm the less dense it can be, and it can not be directed as Ivan must stay at the center. This ability does render him practically blind, but should do the same to his foes. [*][b]Dune Digger:[/b] Through any loose terrain, Ivan can shift the material around him and travel extremely quickly in this manner. He can't see where he's going though while underground as he's surrounded by sand, and this is mostly used as an escape tool. [/list] [b]Strengths:[/b][list] [*][b]Reserved:[/b] Ivan consistently goes long periods of time with minimal food and water, able to use his abilities to move around and conserve energy should he need to. [*][b]Traveler:[/b] Ivan has spent most of his life wandering from place to place, not wanting to settle down anywhere and knowing the way from town to town quite well trusting he has his compass. [*][b]Escapist:[/b] Ivan has become fairly good at making himself scarce, and will often do so rather than confront any threats should he see it as an option. [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b][list] [*][b]Unawares:[/b] While Ivan can make out the shape of his environment details are hard to come by. Ivan has a poor sense of direction (without his compass), is unable to read most things, and can't see anything that is relatively clean. [*][b]I haven't aged well:[/b] Ivan doesn't lead a very healthy lifestyle, eating improperly and inconsistently, living out in the open most of the time, and having poor personal hygiene since the dirt he's cover in keeps him from smelling a whole lot. [*][b]Addict:[/b] Ivan has an addictive personality, and partakes in most forms of getting inebriated any chance he gets, foregoing food sometimes.[/list]