Gunner looked at Anna when she asked what it was that they should do. He pulled two stakes out from his jacket and one to Serena. His eyes met Sebastian, "Just a precaution." He then shed his jacket entirely and rolled up his shirt sleeves, "Right now, I only know of one Strigoi that are hanging around here and I know what she wants," He looked at his friends, "I'll go out. Anna, you stay with Serena and Sebastian. I'll deal with the Strigoi then the three of you run for the car. You swing by and pick me up. If you can't get me," He looked directly at Anna, "Then go. I'll find my own way back to Court." He handed his jacket to Serena and looked at her next, "You had better only use that if Anna isn't there." Then without a word from the group, as if any of them could stop him, Gunner walked out of the building. He made it all of ten feet to the car before a blonde woman was standing before him. He looked her in the eye and took a deep breath, "Abigail." Gunner's mother pouted, "Is that anyway to greet your mother?" Gunner face gave away nothing, "I don't have a mother." The woman's hand flew and struck Gunner across the face, shattering his cheekbone. He spun his stake in his hand and took a fighting stance. The Strigoi seemed to take no offense to her son pulling a weapon on her. A moment later, Gunner turned and sent his stake through the heart of the Strigoi trying to sneak up on him. Hardly without stopping, he turned to face his mother again, "Is that how you greet your son?" The woman laughed, "So you are as good as they've been saying, of course you are... You're my baby boy." She grabbed him by the wrist and tossed him onto a car, causing the hood to dent, "You'll be the strongest Strigoi ever..." She started walking toward him, oblivious to the rest of the parking lot. Gunner groaned but sat him, his head still holding tightly to his stake, "You'll have manage to sink your fangs in me to even try that." ~ Serena looked at Sebastian when he took her hand and leaned into him a little. Something about being in danger made the gravity of the whole one hit thing a lot scarier. She was grateful when Gunner handed her the stake and quickly wrapped her hand around it. Sebastian had asked her to leave her stake at home, saying she wouldn't be needing it. She knew it was just because he wanted her not to be his guardian on this trip, not while she was pregnant. However, having the stake in her hand made her feel like she could manage something. She watched as Gunner went then took hold of Anna's arm, "He'll be fine..." She took a deep breath, she needed to keep calm or who knows who would. With Anna worrying about Gunner and Sebastian worrying about her, they needed someone to worry about how they were going to get to the car. She squeezed Anna's arm a little, "The moment we get the chance, we run. You take up the rear. I'll lead, Sebastian in the middle," She looked at him, "Like it or not, you are the least qualified to be on the outside... even if I'm pregnant. Just keep vigilant, okay?" She looked back out the window and watched as Gunner was thrown into a car and the female Strigoi walked to him like he was her prey. She squeezed her hands on both of her friends, "Now. Gunner just gave us an opening." Then she was running, like it or not, the others would have to follow. She supposed that was one good thing about them being so protective.