[center][img]http://i62.tinypic.com/4g0u4k.jpg[/img][/center] Megumi turned her head to the side as he spoke, his words simply making him sigh and shake her head in dismay. "You're being rather hard on yourself... But I won't say too much on that. And on the other subject, I plan on traveling elsewhere I suppose. I don't think my parents have fled the country, I know they have, because why would they stick around to save their offspring when they can leave now and make more whenever the feel." She shrugged her shoulders in reply and took a step back inside to re-enter the household. "I don't want to burden your family any longer, especially since a loved one has recently passed. If you want, I can leave earlier than usual to get out of your hair. It hasn't even been two hours and someone has already died, which is probably an omen to kick out the strangers and look after your own kin... Don't you think, Aki?" The young girl gathered up her hair and swept it onto her shoulder. "I'd also like to suggest leaving the city and heading somewhere less populated, like a farm or a town... Maybe even a camp if they started establishing those already?"