[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10404067_759717920781938_7022636289715811586_n.jpg?oh=ac210d67058c334fd2ab1b5fd8af0df2&oe=5577F252&__gda__=1436733915_a9e1970dd471fe3f837bb35f78d88ae6[/img] Name:Esdeath "Es" Bloodblade Age: 25 Race: Human Kingdom: Was born in Anah, deserted and joined Ashalumnia Abilities:Great swordsman and archer (trained since childhood), horse riding, ice demon magic and holy magic Bio: Esdeath was born in a warrior-class family of Anah, her father wanted Esdeath to follow his footsteps and so trained her psychically and mentally, sword fights, riding horses, studying warfare books became something normal for her. At the age of 18 she began the training to join the templars, she finished the training at the age of 21 and by the time there was no one in her unit who could match her. During a battle against Ashalumnia she realized her place was with the demons, who seemed to fight just for fun, just what she wanted. Esdeath deserted during the night with 100 soldiers who were only loyal to her. The demons were happy to accept them. Other: -Her rapier was not designed only for thrusting, it can also be used to slash, unlike most rapiers. -Despite being cold blooded in the battlefield she is quite girly outside battle. -Mastering both holy and unholy magic has given Esdeath an important possition in the army (general) and in society despite being a human REBOOT