[img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/028/a/2/fantasy_knight_update_by_fatmarco-d5t48rp.jpg[/img] Name: Marco Ghislain Age: 27 Rank: Guard Captain Unit type: Cavalry Weapons: Cavalry sword and shield, spear Armor and clothes: Plate and mail guard armor, Ashford Guard uniform Personal items: Ghislain family dagger Bio: Marco was the Captain of the Guard for the Ashford family, when Arka attacked he assisted Galard's escape. he still follows Galard, commanding whats left of the Royal Guard. [hider=the Ashen Guard] [img]http://www.wallpaperfly.com/thumbnails/detail/20130916/knights%20flags%20fantasy%20art%20armor%20horses%20artwork%20warriors%20cavalry_www.wallmay.net_86.jpg[/img] Ashford Royal Guard Name:the Ashen Guard unit type: Cavalry soldiers: 20 Equipment: Ashford family guard armor, lances, swords, shields info: the Ashford family guard, known as "the Ashen Guard", they ride alongside Galard into battle protecting him with their lives. [/hider]