[I]"Another death was confirmed last night... a police officer on patrol duty responding to a robbery at a local convenience store. As with other incidents, an as-of-yet unidentified weapon was used on the victim which held the power of a cannon. Witnesses near the scene described two perpetrators... an unknown man in his late thirties and a small child with brown hair, possibly his son. This brings the total number of known casualties to four, with one missing. There have been several unconfirmed sightings of people resembling these profiles around the city for the last week, so we recommend that everyone exercise caution when approached by-"[/I] Katie stood in front of the television, wearing the extra large white t-shirt she had slept in while watching the news and brushing her teeth at the same time - a common routine for her. She turned as she heard her roommate come into the room behind her. "Aren't you running late today?" Velma, a young woman two years her senior with short ginger hair, said in a sharp tone (ironic considering that she rarely went to class herself). "And why do you always watch the news? Turn on something good at least." Katie threw the remote to her while turning to head to the bathroom - passing by Viorel who was fast asleep in a blanket on the catch as she did so. Within ten minutes, Katie had already changed into her clothes and brushed her hair as she walked out the door with her bookbag in hand. Her campus was merely a twenty minute walk from her apartment, but not wanting to be late she immediately broke into a light jog in attempt to hasten it by a few minutes. Perhaps because of that haste, however, she failed to notice as a man and a small boy passed by her on the opposite sidewalk heading in the direction she had come from. [center][b]-------------[/b][/center] Katie had arrived in her classroom with a few minutes to spare, and was unpacking her notes as one of her study partners plopped down on the seat beside. "Ah, decided not to skip after all, huh?" he said with a smile, and she raised an eyebrow at him. "I didn't think you'd give up your perfect attendance so easily, but I'm sure your uncle understands." "Uncle?" she asked, giving him a puzzled look, and he gasped. "Oh! Did you not meet him? Your uncle came here about an hour ago, saying he wanted to take you out to breakfast but didn't know your schedule. I figured you weren't up yet, so I sent him to your place. Sorry, I should've called, but he wanted to surprise you." "How did you know it was my uncle?" she asked curiously. "That's what he said... who else would he be? He was holding the same kind of book you've been carrying around lately, so I thought you had to be-" Katie stood abruptly, cutting him off as she grabbed her bag and ran out of the classroom just as the lecture was about to start.