[center][img]http://i62.tinypic.com/4g0u4k.jpg[/img][/center] The young girl let out a small grunt as she held the small canine in her arms. She simply stared down, looking at the mass of fat and fur, raising an eyebrow as the animal stared back up at her with dark brown eyes. "Er... Uh..." Megumi didn't know what to do at this points, so she merely set the dog down and poked its rump with the tip of her toe, cringing lightly as she closed the door and shooed it onto the couch. "Pardon?" She said, "What did you see?" Megumi asked, legitimately curious. If this boy was going to hide something from her so early on... Well, her trust is going to waver slightly. "Tell me, was it something important? Dangerous maybe?" She placed her hands on her hips. The day hadn't been over yet, in fact it was still rather bright out, which also meant that people-students alike- were still trying to make it out alive and attempt to survive the first night cycle. [ I'mma let people post now at dis point ]