Serena smiled as he moved his arms around her, pulling her in close. She moved her head to the side as he kissed down her neck. She rested her hands atop his and glanced down at her stomach, visible now that she had changed into a tank top and pajama pants. She smiled softly, "I never thought I could find someone I could love... let alone marry and have children," She slipped her fingers between his, "You don't just make me want everything," She giggled a little, "You make me feel like I can have everything." She moved her head a little to rest on his shoulder, her back against his chest, "Six and a half months... Twenty two weeks... It seems so long," She whined slightly, "I just hope the sickness subsides a little... I don't think I could handle another six months of that..." There was a small knock at the door, causing Serena to look through their door to it. Not seeing Anna move to and get it, she was suddenly curious as to where the girl had gone. One good thing about feeling sick whenever Strigoi were around was that she knew when they weren't. She got out of the bed and walked over to the door and opened it, maybe Anna had somehow managed to lock herself out. However, the woman on the other side of the door made Serena sick in a whole different way. She looked Serena up and down with a look of disgust before scoffing, "Are you slacking on the job, Dhampir?" Serena took a deep breath before forcing a smile and looking over her shoulder, "Sebastian... Your mother is here..."