[center][color=orange][h1]-----TIME JUMP-----[/h1][/color][/center] [center][color=red][h2]Scorn[/h2][/color][/center] There should stood inside the museum itself granted she did not wear her normal face makeup that she loved for if she had a scene would of been made and she would of lost her closest chance of capturing one of the higher syndicate members if her little bird was right with the information he had overheard back in Zeke's bar a few days back. She had carefully planned out everything. Where her men would be inside and out, waiting and watching, acting like any other tourist that visited this dull place. She herself would not ever go there for personal reasons. It was to dull, never exciting and she was banned anyways, luckily she knew a backdoor which was why she was inside now acting like all the other humans who found some dusty relic interesting. Of course the one plus were the kids, even if human kids were still nice to see, how unaware and care free they were, not knowing the grim truth. Something she only wished she could of given to the girl she had tried to protect. She shook her head, it was better to stay in the present and focus rather then put her mind else where. She continued on her merry way, entering an exhibit that had only been recently put up, one for conduits. Most of the objects were old junk that came from the ruins of Empire City yet one thing that stood out was the ever famous Amp which was the center piece. Wielded by the Saint of New Marais. It was on tour for the time. She could only laugh at it. Cole how powerful he was yet foolishly he squandered it. Oh indeed she would of rejected the beast herself, she could hardly seen a reason to destroy everything and rebuild when that was unnecessary. Humans only need to be shown there place, which was the line to extinction like so many inferior species that led to them, now they were leading to the next evolution. Still what attracted her more was what remains of the Reapers they had pulled from the ruble of the old Empire City. A few beat up jackets, one even supposedly belonging to the old leader."Oh how you should see what I have turned the group into," she whispered to herself. [center][color=blue][h2]Kiera[/h2][/color][/center] There she was now, wondering why she was even doing this somewhat. Why not leave it to the CTU or the police? After all they no doubt knew by now that something was going to happen, someone would of tipped them off. Yet here she was, putting herself in the center of it knowing that whatever happened, it wasn't going to end good. She had no doubt that Scorn would be somewhere as well, hidden away, which might of been part of the reason why she decided to go to the museum. To try and stop her, though she doubted she could do that, she knew better then to hope that she could just miraculously change Scorn yet she felt like she had to try. She tried to hide her worry, having yet to still tell anyone about her relation to Scorn. She had been close sharing the information with Eli but panicked internally and decided against it. [center][color=green][h2]Unknown Perspective[/h2][/color][/center] The cameras moved around the museum watching all those that entered. Instead of the normal guard, a new person had taken the place, they had taken out the guard leaving them out cold and locked away to keep them from stopping what was about to happen. Even despite the disguises of the guards, CTU agents, police, or the Reapers couldn't hide them from him. Only one he couldn't find of the Reapers was the leader. There would also be those pestering conduits who had to try and save the day if anything went wrong but he and his associates didn't think they would make much of a difference, the goal of this task was still the same. Soon the commotion would block out what was truly going on and bring them one step closer to the ultimate reward: The end of the bio-terrorist blight. His phone rang and he quickly opened it."We're in," he responded. "Good," a dull robotic voice stated ",Is it as we expected?" "Yes it is," the man in the camera said with a smug smile ",Couldn't of been done better." "Good, keep your eyes on the cameras," the voice on the other end said before leaving the conversation, now it was a matter of time.