Seb frowned and stood, his mother's words sending irritation coursing through him. He went to the door, kissed Serena's brow, and gave his mother a challenging look. "Mother... what a surprise." His mother snorted, "Should it be Sebastian? You've been at court a single day and your..." she waved her hand dismissively at Serena, "Guardian... has already managed to put you into danger by leaving the courts." Sebastian practically bared his fangs, "Serena had nothing to do with what happened yesterday, if you're looking for someone to blame, blame yourself. You knew about Gunner's mother, yet you still insisted we come, knowing full well Strigoi enjoy targeting family and their friends." His mother looked shocked, despite she and Sebastian's tense relationship he'd never spoken to her that way before... He'd usually just blown her off. After the shock faded she seemed to decide on a different tactic, "I'm only worried about you Sebastian, I'm your mother... I'm trying to look out for you. I understand your feelings for the girl... but she can't protect you like... this." Seb rolled his eyes, "I'm sure you're absolutely distraught over my well-being, Mother... What do you really want? Why are you here?" Mrs. Lazar didn't drop the act just yet, obviously she was determined. "Tomorrow I'm approaching the Queen about another Guardian for you. Even if she is a Guardian herself she can't protect you... not like... THAT." Sebastian shoved his hands into his pockets to keep from doing something stupid, like shove his mother back out of his door and slam it in her face. "We were going to do that anyway, it was Serena's suggestion. Now will you go?" His mother smiled a little too sweetly, "It's good to see she has SOME sense of her place... I will speak to you again tomorrow, Sebastian." With that she walked away and Sebastian groaned before shutting the door and turning to Serena, "I'm sorry..." ~*~ Anna thought about telling Serena and Seb what was going on but she didn't feel like having to fight them in order to get out of court and she wasn't going to allow Seb to risk himself with a baby on the way. Maybe that was his decision to make, but she wasn't going to be letting him make it. The moment the Elites showed up the next day she packed her things again and met them in the courtyard. "Have you heard anything," she asked anxiously. "Mr. Szleskie's tip paid off, a few hours trip from here there is a Dhampir commune that was attacked in force last night. There is more than a good chance that it was Abigail's Army." Anna grimaced, "There weren't any Guardians there, were there?" The Dhampir, named Thomas shook his head. "No... it was a massacre. You'd best prepare yourself." Anna nodded, "Let's go. The sooner we get there with daylight to spare the more likely we'll get out in one piece." They left, Jace was oddly quiet the entire ride. "Are you sure you want to do this? You're risking your life... there's a good possibility you could be killed. Even with the Elites, we don't know how many Strigoi Abigail is hiding." Jace shook his head, "It's not about you... or Gunner... Did you know I had an older brother?" "Had?" Jace nodded, "Past tense... He's Strigoi. A few weeks ago I got news he'd been sighted... I thought about talking to you but let's face it... Why would you help me?" Anna grimaced, "Jace... I don't hate you, not anymore. You're an ass and I don't particularly like you... but if you'd asked me to help you with your brother I would have." Jace frowned, "Why?" "Because... no body deserves to see someone they love like that." Jace put a hand over hers and squeezed lightly it was an innocent gesture, not a come on... for once. "There's a possibility that Gunner is still himself. Most strigoi won't turn family until they cave from..." He made a face, "Well, it usually takes a while. Maybe he's still himself." She shook her head, "I can't afford to think like that... If I go in expecting him to be Gunner then I won't be able to... fight him. I have to expect him to be a strigoi, I have to expect that he'll look and sound just like Gunner... but he won't be." She took a breath, "If your brother is there... I'll do what I can." Jace nodded and the vehicle fell back into silence.