Grimm Grimm blinked, unsure how he had gotten himself into this situation. He was more curious about what all the shouting was about then actually dancing. The only reason he had asked was because that formality had been beaten in to him by the ghost he had spent the majority of his time around, who had lived in a time where what we call "Child Abuse", they called "Discipline". He repressed the urge to shiver as memories of his etiquette lesson floated into his mind. Still, as unwanted as this forced interaction was, he didn't let even a smidge of it show, instead acting with the utmost grace and respect. His father often marveled and despaired at how different Grimm acted at social events as opposed to the rest of the time. He gave the girl a once over, easily seeing how frightened and nervous she was. He rose her hand up to his, and gave it a light kiss, a soft smile playing on his lips. "There's no need to be afraid," he aid, his voice smooth as silk, "I mean you know harm, your every wish is to be my desire for this evening, my Lady." As he finished, he slowly brought her onto the dance floor, bringing her close and performing an elegant mix of waltz and more freeform dancing that Grimm was creating on the spot, as the only form of dance he knew was ballroom dancing, and since no one else was doing so, he improvised. He made sure to keep his movements slow and too the pace of not only the music, but his partner as well. He made sure he never moved too fast, nor too slow, and never seemed to get frustrated if she messed up in her steps. "Your dress is very beautiful, I must say, but I believe that's mostly because you are wearing it. By chance, what is you're name, as your sister never introduced you, and I can't very well call you M'lady all night. . . unless that is what you wish." Again he flashed that same smile, a gentle smile that spoke of mischief only if you wished it to, his icy blue eyes piercing her soul, and his hair glimmering in the lights around them. [@Liferusher]