[center] ~Keiko Yamada~ [b]"You know, even if you can't fight now, you'll have to eventually. Relying on us is fine for now, but don't become dead weight in the future, alright?"[/b] Tsk. He was going to be a problem, wasn't he? Well, she would think on that later she had other rather, pressing concerns right now. Like trying to not become zombie food. But how exactly should she fight? She wasn't totally lying about the whole fighting thing. She didn't know the first thing when it came to self defense! Maybe if she had a gun or something, she could do a bit of damage. She may have never used one before, but she did know how they worked at least. [b]"Well, what are you waiting for? I can only do so much on my own!"[/b] Ugh. This boy was getting more annoying by the second. So impatient. At least he seemed to know how to handle himself in a fight. It might be better to stick with him for a bit, even if she didn't like him so much. She tried to drown out the annoying cackling of the deranged psycho as she turned to face their current enemies. The Pixie was eagerly awaiting her command, so it seemed, flitting about watching the others doing their fair share of the work and apparently waiting for her to give her the 'kick their ass' sign. With a huff, and seeing little choice she gave the annoying fairy just that. [color=ec008c]"Alright, U-uhm, Attack, I guess?"[/color] She said, to which the Pixie confidently replied. [color=004b80]"Alright! Fight time! Come and get some you hobos!"[/color] Really, the Pixie's attempt to be threatening were only comical at best. Her somewhat child-like voice and the fact that her threat consisted of the word 'hobo' meant she really had no idea how to properly threaten someone, did she? Not that it mattered. With a confident grin, the Pixie engaged the closest Demon next to her. The Pixie was surprisingly good at what it was doing. Not as strong as the - Kobold, was it? - but she definitely knew how to use her speed to an advantage here. With a few short bursts of attacks, the creature had been solidly defeated without much trouble and had dropped Macca. So killing demons was how one received 'macca'. It wasn't much, but it was a start at least. [b]"Hey, smash the cells under the portals! It'll stop the number of enemies from growing any larger!"[/b] The voice momentarily distracted her. The phones? They were coming out of the [i]phones?[/i] That had a few disturbing notions she wasn't going to contemplate at the moment. She would think about that after dealing with the current enemies. Unfortunately, it had seemed another Kobold had manage to sneak up on her while the Pixie had finished off another one. Before she could even say anything, the creature attacked. She noticed it just in time to dodge a what she assumed would have been a very painful blow to her head, instead the creatures club like weapon slammed straight down onto her shoulder. She gave a yelp of pain as the blow connected, momentarily stunning her as her legs crumpled. Thankfully, the Pixie was nearby enough to engage the Kobold, finishing it rather easily with a solid kick to the head. [color=004b80]"Oooh, you're hurt. Hold on a second."[/color] Without another word, the Pixie approached her, placing her hands on her shoulder. A few seconds later, a soft glow emanated from her hands, healing whatever wound she received from the Kobold. Huh...that was a surprisingly useful ability. [color=ec008c]"Hmph. If you expect me to thank you, you're wrong. You shouldn't have let it happen in the first place." [/color]She whispered with a frown, as the little Pixie healed her. [color=004b80]"Well Gee, maybe next time I'll let him kill you." [/color]The Pixie jokingly replied, finishing up the healing surprisingly fast. Perhaps the blow hadn't been as hard as it felt...still, with her rather weak physical abilities taking too much punishment was a bad idea. [color=ec008c]"Don't forget pest, it's[i] me[/i] you're supposed to protect. Understand?" [/color] She gave the Pixie a brief glare as she rolled her shoulder - making sure everything was fine and that the pest didn't screw anything up. [color=004b80]"Aye boss! Won't save the cute boys!"[/color] The pixie excitedly, but quietly replied. Well, it seemed the Pixie knew to keep quiet when talking at least. With a sigh, she stood back up, and replied to the other boy. [color=ec008c]"Alright! I'll see if I can get one!"[/color] She turned to the Pixie again. [color=ec008c]"Alright, you, uh, you heard him. See if you can get to one of those phones, alright?"[/color] With a giggle, and a nod, the Pixie started killing some demons and zombies once again, going for a third cellphone that was fairly close to the two of them. [/center]