Sheet's finished, boss. [hider=Body] ­ [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Neutral [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Appearance:[/b] Long, partly braided platinum-blonde hair spills over his shoulders and covers most of his back, framing a face with sharp features, including an aquiline nose, bright green eyes that stare unwaveringly, and high, pronounced cheeks to give the slightly triangular facial shape so common to those of the Elven race. A respectable, lean musculature, with all its swells and curves, is consistent throughout his body, hidden almost at all times by a silken robe of white decorated at the chest area with golden filigree depicting a story of mortality, from an elf's birth to his inevitable passing. Comfortable leather sandals hug at his feet, and in his right hand is a long, golden staff topped with an ornate, stylized depiction of a horned skull. Reaching behind his lengthy ear, he pulls his hood down to shadow his face, giving an eerie darkness to everything above his lips. Hanging by a long strap from his shoulders is a large satchel containing traveling essentials and less important baubles. [b]Equipment:[/b] Ornate staff, steel dagger, 12ft. hempen rope, 2x quill, inkwell, 16x paper page, 9lbs. dried meat & smoked fish, handful of silver coins. [b]Combat Skills:[/b] An elf of books and letters, he may not be able to give that good of an account of himself with a sword, but if need be, he can whack someone with his staff as a last resort. Ultimately, he prefers to stay at range, abusing the enemy with gratuitous spellcraft, and letting his undead minions do the bloody work of melee. [b]Non-combat Skills:[/b] He is adept in alchemy and, surprisingly, the culinary arts. He is able to recite many Elven liturgies off the top of his head, and apparently knows a bit of midwifery. Well-read, he is knowledgeable on many topics, from theology, to history, to matters of the arcane and biology. He can also read the stars and skies to discern direction and navigate the world solely from that. [b]Mana:[/b] High. [b]Magical Schools:[/b] Necromancy, Pyromancy [b]Magical Abilities:[/b] [list] [*][i]Raise Dead:[/i] Breathing unlife into a corpse, it is animated and enthralled to the casting Necromancer to be at his beck and call. [*][i]Preservation:[/i] This spell halts the decomposition process of the raised dead, should the Necromancer require such a thing for some reason. [*][i]Scroll of Holding[/i]: The Necromancer writes down glyphs of power on any writable surface, enabling them to store individual objects not heavier than a full-grown horse. While usable on anything where ink can be applied, he most often uses this spell on pieces of paper or parchment to store raised dead. Deactivating the spell will cause stored objects to be regurgitated and the container to be destroyed. [*][i]Freeform Low-level Pyromancy[/i]: The Necromancer is able to use basic pyromancy with little casting involved, and thusly can create, shape and even fling at dangerous speeds fires no larger than a bear's paw at anything that may warrant it. [*][i]Dispel:[/i] Dissipates and otherwise damages the targeted mana structure, eliminating a troublesome spell or stunning a magical construct. [/list] [b]Techniques:[/b] [list] [*][i]Vindication:[/i] When Lichdom is still so far away, how can he falter now? The spell of Vindication asks for but a little mana in exchange for painlessness and a burst of energy, leading to a stamina and strength enough to rival that of centaurs. But whether his body can keep up with this magically-imbued vigor is another matter entirely. [*][i]Inspire the Dead:[/i] A variant of Vindication that applies only to the raised dead. He may grant the boons of the spell on one or more thralls, making them hit harder and faster. Maintaining this technique is done at the cost of the Necromancer's body, which tires and fatigues, and in prolonged use, hurts. [/list] ­ [/hider] [hider=Spirit] ­ [b]Name:[/b] Vaul [b]Personality:[/b] The newborn, rather stoic Vaul knows of his ignorance of the world, and seeks to know more. Having a code of honor, he seems to excuse his liberal use of his host's arcane talents on the argument that what he's controlling now are but mere shells, and not souls. He thinks before he speaks. [b]Talents:[/b] [i]Life-giver:[/i] Vaul is perhaps the antithesis of his host as in his presence, plants seem to be a bit greener, complexions seem to be a bit fairer, and weary bodies tend to be relaxed and feel weariness being siphoned off from them. Vaul can use this healing energy into a more active form, channeling it to cure minor cuts and bruises, or aid however little in the treatment of more grievous injuries. ­ [/hider]