The god looked at her, his eyes had changed to a deep color of blue, eyes flashing brightly and with fear slightly. A mortal summoned him ? for what reason ? He looked at her slightly "You, S-s-s-ssummoned me ? did you not?" He asked slowly blinking his eyes and cracked his back looking at the strange room the arua of death swirled around the male like it was a part of him "I am Thanatos the greek god of Death, You must unsummon me" he froze seeing the book of the dead, how in the name of Hades had she gotten her hands on the book, who had the book? The last page that had the unsummoning spell was ripped out and nothing was left and she couldn't unsummon him....for now "Whop gave you that book" he said suddenly calm angry tone _________ Persephone looked at her husband and smiles gently "its going to be alright you just wait and see, The underworld gates are strong and with Cerberus little to no souls shall get by the hound" said softly and then got na idea. She could find away to summon thanatos back if she could find the book of the dead. So she skipped into the small bookcase near them and looked and then froze, oh you just got to be kidding. The slot was empty and her eyes widened slightly "Oh buy the name of Ares who freaking stole the book of the dead?" she spat angrily.