Augustus seems like a good choice. The Late Roman Republic has set up a clear pattern, where a strongman would come to power a while, there would be an interim, then another strongman would step up. Marius to Sulla to Pompey to Caesar, this pattern kept going at it kept drawing blood. But when Augustus stepped up, he played some master politics (this is a guy who could have won the game of thrones in a season) and managed to create something else entirely. Something that was relatively stable. That is, as far as it goes, pretty impressive. Napoleon is another one. As far as warmongering megalomaniac's go, it is difficult to diss a guy who is all about bringing law and liberalism to a semi-feudal Europe. The worst thing that ever happened to Russia is that Napoleon lost. Or maybe it was Sargon of Akkad. If nothing else, he would at least get to yell "First!"