Kali face planted into the concrete. Sev in response jumped up and away from Mysterion. "You again?" He shouted,"Guess you're just ready for another beating?" Sev pulled out the book as Kali managed to get back on her feet. "Kali are you okay?" Kali growled, "I'll rip that cloak right off you and choke you with it!" She yelled at Mysterion. She held her arms up in a fighting stance. "C'mon Sev, lets use our new spell on him!" "The Second Spell!" Sev yelled. [i] Please be an attack.[/i] "[b][color=green]Viluko Daan[/color][/b]." Kali held her hands out in front, ready to attack. What actually happened surprised both Kali and Sev. A wall that looked as if it had been a piece of the night sky rose up from the ground. "A void shield?" Sev muttered.