Serena stood in silence at Sebastian spoke with his mother. The way she was talking... Serena didn't understand why she kept acting as though her pregnancy was something horrendous... like she had lost both her arm and was still insisting on guarding Sebastian. She wasn't even Sebastian's guardian right now! But Vlad knew where Anna had gone and Gunner... She took a deep breath, trying to keep herself calm in the presence of Mrs. Lazar but the moment she left the waterworks began. Serena was usually very capable at keeping her feelings under wraps but around Sebastian and now with her hormones going haywire, that was a lot harder. She shook her head, "It's not your fault." She walked over to the couch and sat down, wiping under her eyes. She looked up at Sebastian, "Can we hyphenate our last name? I don't want the same name as that... woman." Her fingers trembled a little, as they usually did when she was particularly upset. She tired to wipe away her tears but more just replaced them until finally, she gave up. She shook her head, "She's right though..." She looked to Sebastian, "The only reason Anna suggested the trip was because I need clothes... Had... Had I been in better shape to fight then maybe Anna could have assisted Gunner while I got you to the car," She covered her face with her hands as this warped reality crashed down on her. Anna must hate her right now... It was her fault that Gunner might be a Strigoi... She sobbed before wrapping her arms around herself. Everything that happened was her fault. Everything that was going to happen was her fault. Her hands started to shake more and her aura darkened as a depression that Serena had been fighting off engulfed her, "This is all my fault..."