Here's the CS. Sorry if it's a little crude, I posted most of it from my phone. [hider=Cs]Body Character Sheet (Sorry for big image, it was the only one I could find with clothes on.) [hider=][IMG][/IMG][/hider] Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Race: Dryad Equipment: Several fruits, A long bow, A small pouch full of herbs, A cloak. Combat Skills: Prefers long range combat and magic. Most used weapon is long bow, as her aim an focus is better than her physical strength. Prefers using magic because it is easy and convenient. Non-Combat Skills: Gardening, Playing flutes and panpipes, Tree climbing. Mana: High I guess? Magical Schools: Nature Magical Abilities: [hider=Magical Abilities] Growth: Causes accelerated growth in plants. Control: Gains control over nearby vegetation and the ability to use them, almost like an extra limb. Natural Defense: Creates a large wall of vegetation (Usually tree or thorns.) Around allies. Has a chance of causing exhaustion. [/hider] Techniques: Briar Thorns: Poison thorns appear around her body, almost like an armor. However, they also are poisonous to the user, and the longer they stay on, the longer it takes to recover. Suggestion: Allows user to plant a suggestion or doubt in an enemy's mind. This causes makes their loyalty sway and continued exposure could lead to insanity. However, this affects her as well, so the more effort she puts into controlling someone, the less control she has over herself. Artificial Spirit Sheet Name: Alida Varga Personality: Nervous and jittery. Prefers peace, is scared of almost everything. Talents: Beast taming, Camouflage. [/hider]