Despite the older woman's struggle with her words, Elisha could tell that she means no ill will. She just has a problem about expressing herself. Elisha couldn't help but slightly smile at her savior's awkwardness. The woman's follow up however, caught her off guard. Elisha herself was now the one blushing quite madly. [i]"E-eh!?"[/i] To her, announcing one's desire to protect another like that pretty much equals asking someone's hand for marriage. As before, the girl knew that was not what the older woman meant, but she couldn't keep the thought out. While she was happy at the thought of somebody looking out for her, somewhere deep down, Elisha knew the familiar look on the woman's face. Pity. She has seen this enough times to tell when someone is thinking exactly that when they find out about her condition. And she's tired of it. Elisha was about to turn down the older woman's proposal, but something else interrupts her. It's time. [i]"I'll get a chance later on to turn her down. But for now, the quest must take priority."[/i] Some of the adventurers had already lined themselves up for the application for the quest. Elisha quickly gets in line with one of the shorter ones, with some of the people in front of her being some of the adventurers she noted earlier.