I see... So Kaedan just stood up and left the tavern, eh? Interesting. Not making it easy for me, but then again that's not what you're supposed to do, either; you're just supposed to be true to your character and stay within the boundaries of the RP. This does put me in a strained situation, though. Once everything was said and done, and while Kaedan made an initial impression purely due to his equipment and size, he did not interact with anyone but the tavern keeper, and even that interaction was minimal. He hasn't remarked himself and has only really indicated that he was just another guy crashing there to get a warm place to sleep cheaply and as such has given the NPCs in the tavern no reason to approach him. So leaving that area, Kaedan has left behind all the people there, and all potential encounters I had prepared. Now I need to figure out what could feasibly be encountered in this new location at this time, which is a lot trickier than arranging something in a relatively isolated environment such as a tavern; I need to figure out something interesting that could feasibly happen, yet without potentially creating paradoxical circumstances compared to events still taking place with the other two groups previous day. Preferably without "spawning in" someone new into the world, effectively changing the course of history... Oh, and as Shien mentioned I'll have to keep in mind not to occupy your character for longer than the time when he should encounter the other player characters, or incidentally remove him too far from the location of that same meeting... Eh, I'll get back to you on that one. I need to give that some thought. And yeah, Shien, I know I'm next in the borderhouse collab, but thanks for the reminder anyways. It's just been a kind of busy week, and on top of everything I've caught a cold. I hate being ill... Clearing my airways and generally mitigating the discomfort of illness is pretty much the only situation that justifies imbibing alcohol for me, and even then I don't drink enough to actually get drunk. Well, that and New Year's Eve, and even the latter I don't get drunk at. Never understood people's fascination with drinking... seems like a stupid way to waste money to me. Eh, but I digress, probably because I'm not at 100% capacity and all that... yeah. I'll get to posting as soon as circumstances allow it.