[@Veridis Quo]: You don't need to have the entire thing before I can do something with it? You can add multiple people to a PM conversation; I'll just be a silent presence and archive things when there is something for me to archive. Compiling and sending the thing to me afterwards would only be more work for you, and possibly for me, too. (I have mostly automatized my side - the posts being not in their original form would mean that I'd have to manually clean them up as I used to before I made a script to do it for me.) Besides, the archiving is also intended as a measure against the site frying or being down - which is a role that can only be fulfilled when I can at least save the HTML of the page on my own devices (I don't always put the posts up into the Compendium right away). [@Dark Jack] (I wonder whether it still pings when you edit a mention in afterwards? Let's test it.): Mainly just record-keeping, as usual (who posts next on the Zerul side being perhaps the most important question, since otherwise it may happen that all people expect others to post first, due to lack of clear next poster), so no worries. Perhaps slightly bored for no good reason - I actually have plenty of things I should be doing, and I'm trying to see whether I can get a random pseudo-nightmare-inspired idea of mine through in another RP. I barely ever drink myself - mostly only during Christmas, New Year's and some birthdays, and then it is only a glass or two (said glass, half-full, may or may not be used to justify not needing another drink for several hours). (Drinking won't actually help against a cold or most other illnesses at all, the general placebo effect left aside - not in quantities that won't have you die of alcohol poisoning [i]long[/i] before with bacterial diseases, and viruses are impervious anyway. There is very little you can you can do with a cold, actually - it is furthermore mostly just your immune system freaking out over something largely harmless ... just be annoyed at it and tough it out.) There are a few alcoholic drinks which I kind of like the taste of, but those are not the most common types, so I don't really have the incentive to drink anything. Certainly not for getting drunk - I haven't ever been[i] properly[/i] drunk, but it appears that alcohol (even in not at all large quantities) seems to work absolutely backwards on me compared to how it is "supposed" to work. I simply stop caring about interacting with people altogether, or being motivated for doing anything else, for the matter. I don't even get tired or sleepy - I'll be just as awake and alert as ever - I'll just retreat to my own corner and stop minding everything else until someone specifically opts to annoy me, and even then I'll most likely be fairly laconic (and possibly give off the impression that I'm only replying out of politeness, and [i]actually[/i] want the person gone). Ehh... But get well soon; is all I can say about it (well-wishes got to amount to sometning, no?).