[h1][color=gray]Elias Winzer[/color][/h1] [hr] “Nah.” Eli replied, “You get a clean bill of health whenever you jump in.” There was a pause before he continued, “Should take advantage of that in the future. After today, I’m gonna have all of you running in each of the Zones, not just the red city. I’m fairly certain that after a few more runs in the Nexus Projector, you’ll all be well acquainted to it. No more nausea or headaches when you jump out.” He patted Jazz’s shoulder and concluded with, “You just take it easy while the rest of the team wraps it up in there.” He turned his head and called out to everyone in the room, “That goes for all of you! You wanna head upstairs and get something to eat, go for it.” He walked back up the aisle, towards the console, to observe the final leg of the mission with Henry, Miriam, Kayla, and Bobby at the helm. One big mark left, one to go. They had it in the bag. Hopefully.