[center][img]http://i60.tinypic.com/mlo043.jpg[/img][/center] The hallway, littered with dead bodies and blood everywhere leaving a rotten stench in the air that was only gonna get worse as time pass. Kenny sped down the hallway, trying to think of where Reiko had gone and thought the roof was a likely candidate since it was where plenty of skippers went to hang out. His thoughts were cut short as two of those undead came into view, their gurgling groans too loud to not miss as he pulled out his hammer. Instead of stopping, he kept charging towards the two who started reaching out for him; eager to sink their blood soaked teeth into his flesh. The moment he reached the foremost one, jumped up at it and used the built up momentum to slam the hammer with great force into the side of its head. A spine tingling crunch of bone cracking as the zombie was knocked to the side, its brain destroyed, though Kenny didn't stop there. The moment he landed, spun on the foot, turning the hammer around and with the last bit of momentum, speared the claw part of the hammer right into its forehead. Coagulated blood spilled from the wound and down its lifeless eyes and its body went limp, lifeless once more and only held up by the hammer embed on the forehead. Lifting up his foot to kick the zombie in the stomach to free his hammer that was soaked in reeking blood and bits of brain on the very tip. He gave the hammer a good shake then looked ahead to see the stairs that headed to the next floor and previous floor next to it. Just as he reached them, a body stumbled down the steps besides him and it was obvious by the way it growled and moved even with broken limbs that it was another of those things. Paying it little mind, he started towards the stairs, but stopped as he caught the hair from the corner of his eye and turned back to it. What he saw made his eyes go wide. With the zombie lifting his head, saw it was Reiko..no this...thing was no longer Reiko. Nearly dropping the hammer gripped in his right hand as he watched the thing before him struggle to get up. Unable to speak as there was a lump in his throat and could only take a tentative step back from it as the only person who had treated him like a person was before him...dead. He wanted to try and save the one person that was nice to him and actually wanted to talk to him, but the growling Reiko before him a clear sign he was too late. Gritting his teeth as he tighten his grip on the hammer, wanting to shout at her for not being able to survive till he got to her or for going off on his own. There was no point in doing so and really; more that he was angry at himself as he stepped back to avoid the arms that tried to grab at him. He simply kept stepping back each time she had reached for him with only the hunger of flesh her desire now. There was nothing else he could do but kill the thing before him and in doing so, would be alone. Still struggling on what to do when his back hit a wall and moved up his left arm against the ex-Reiko's throat to hold her back, its teeth snapping at his face only to thump against his mask, its arms straining to grab at him, but held back by the arm. Gulping down the multiple emotions he was going through and held up the hammer, having no other choice, that and it would be cruel to just leave her like this. He couldn't, not to the one person who tried to be a friend to him, even though he didn't really treat her like one himself, but this time he would be one to her. His body didn't want to listen with his right hand shaking, but the left arm holding her back was growing tired. Taking a deep breath to calm himself then peered at Reiko, seeing her for who she had been. Seeing that face with color still and a warm smile, making sure to remember this image of her. Kenny steeled himself then and muttered a muffled sorry before ramming the clawed part of the hammer hard onto the side of her head. Within seconds the body went limp, but Kenny had moved forward to catch hold to keep the lifeless body from dropping to the floor. For a moment he just stood there holding her as he stared ahead; feeling the coldness of her body even through his coat. Or maybe that was his own body going cold as he simply felt empty once more now that he was alone again, like always. Lowering her body gently to the floor then pulled the hammer from the head with a sickening squelch and gazed down at her. Deciding to look at her as if she was simply sleeping and had some little solace that she didn't have to live on this kind of world. Let her sleep in peace then; he would thrive to sruvive for both himself and Reiko and though he wished he could bury her. The situation did not allow him that comfort and had to leave her here. Standing up with one last look at her and turned, heading towards the stairs to the previous floor, knowing he had no time to grieve or cry about it. It was simply best to just to move on. weapons: hammer, paper cutter hits uses: 3/0 Hits left: 9/10