@i'm sorry y'all but this is a half filler episode [center][img]http://oi60.tinypic.com/9jpp53.jpg[/img][/center] [i]Everyone was leaving.[/i] If Yukito wanted to survive, he'd have to follow someone. There were three groups; he had to pick the best out of all of them. Of course, there was one group that seemed to be the most powerful, and the other probably more resourceful and smart. If that was their case, they didn't need him. He needed someone that could protect him, even though he could fight himself as well. There was also that other, masked guy who, in Yukito's opinion, really creepy. (The point that it's a gas mask is a red flag.) [color=skyblue]"W-Wait! I'm coming with you!!"[/color] Quickly, he shot a sad look at Shoske. [color=skyblue]"S-Sorry, dude! We'll try to find you!"[/color] There wasn't much he could do about it. He knew the people in this group a little more, and they were pretty strong. But inside, he felt kinda bad that he left the other guy who took the punch for him. [i][color=skyblue]"You gotta do what you gotta do..."[/color][/i] he thought to himself, before running in pursuit of the others. He stayed behind Akane, just tagging along. To sum it up- this had been the absolute worst day of Yukito's life, millions times worse than any nightmare he's ever had. Why? It's because it was real. He tried to shake himself out of it, but that didn't work. As he was passing the hall lengths, he saw a few zombies approaching the group around the corner. [color=skyblue]"W-watch out! Th-there are zombies up ahead, around the corner!"[/color] He yelled to the front, Utaho and Kurisa. He was at the back, maybe about a foot away from Akane's back. He tried his best not to trip over any dead bodies or stuff, especially since there were some occasional mangled, mutilated bodies in certain places. [i][color=skyblue]"I wonder if Shingen ended up like this... I don't want to have to 'kill' him...[/color][/i] As he tried his best to keep up, a tiny tear rolled down his cheek and quickly fell away. When would all of this just end...?