[h2] Bestiary[/h2] [h3]Demons[/h3] *All demons are threats to the player. All will attack when the player is near/detected. [hider=Cromos] [img] http://jolstatic.fr/www/captures/946/8/40738.jpg[/img] Two-headed demon wolf that prowls about, ripping apart anything that comes close to one of its mouths. They do not run in packs, thankfully, but make up for what they lack in numbers with brute strength and ferocity. The heads often bicker and fight. [b]Specialty:[/b] Resistance to fire and dark magic (meaning a Necromancer cannot take control of their corpse etc) [b]Weaknesses:[/b] they will turn on one another. get one head to think the other is trying to kill it and watch the blood shed. [/hider] [hider=Basilisk] [img]http://tera.enmasse.com/datastore/images/2012/07/23/23/47/56/754/Basilisk.jpg[/img] A horrendously powerful demon- its heavy-set body and sheer size give it almost complete immunity to physical attacks. They stomp about and love to trample things, especially if whatever they step on happens to scream in agony. [b]Specialty:[/b] crazy defense [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Blinding it kills it.[/hider] [hider=Screecher] [img]http://www.gry-online.pl/galeria/filmy/640x360/507938334.jpg[/img] These disgusting demons twist and contort their bodies as they walk (has anyone ever seen Mama? Yeah.) They move like this at high speeds and can easily avoid attacks this way. [b]Specialty:[/b] nimble, lightening resistance [b]Weaknesses:[/b] pin them down and the rest'll be a cake walk.[/hider] [hider=Lava demon ] [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090318060548/dragonage/images/4/41/Rage_demon_concept_art.jpg[/img] These slow moving volcanic demons destroy everything they come into contact with. The hardened areas on their bodies can be hit, but the lava that covers the majority of their bodies cannot be touched. This point cannot be stressed enough: do not touch the lava. [b]Specialty:[/b] can incinerate and burn [b]Weaknesses:[/b] water, they're also slow[/hider] [hider=Goliath] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-RC92h-EkKRc/UtFVSpBCxTI/AAAAAAAAA58/yvvleOqrMYM/s1600/evolve+goliath+screenshot+3.jpg[/img] Few have survived an encounter with the Goliath demon- and those that have return with lost limbs and minds. This demon thrashes about, crushing their enemies before tearing their limbs. They have a sadistic tendency to cripple their enemies and leaving them to suffer before returning to finish off the job. [b]Specialty:[/b] it rampages- the more it kills the more powerful it becomes. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] unknown. [/hider] [hider=Scare Crow] [img]http://burrellgill.com/BG2/wp-content/uploads/Fear-Crow-Concept-Art-001.jpg[/img] Demons that are the most common/abundant around the fields in farms. They are a mischievous breed that love to pull pranks. They are fairly harmless- as long as they are kept away from blades and other sharp objects. [b]Specialty:[/b] quick and wield blades [b]Weaknesses:[/b] fire (setbacks of being made out of demonic straw) [/hider] [hider=Undead Templar] [img]http://www.el33tonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/17192.jpg[/img] Vengeful spirits that have re-inhabited their armor to seek out those that have wronged them- although no one knows why this includes all of humanity. They often convene together and set out in groups of 4 or 5. Much has been retained from their days as warriors, although their movements are understandably slower. [b]Specialty:[/b] abilities of your average Templar (albeit a tad weaker) [b]Weaknesses:[/b] light magic is especially effective [/hider] [hider=Gargoyle] [img]http://www.parkparkin.com/gallery/gargoyle_color.jpg[/img] These demons are night specific, for they turn to stone if touched by the light. They fly about and pick the unsuspecting off the ground, dropping them to their deaths or carrying them back to some place to eat them. [b]Specialty:[/b] they're surprisingly quiet and sneaky [b]Weaknesses:[/b] light magic/ sunlight [/hider] [h3] Creatures[/h3] [hider=Tiger Bear] [img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/30378891/large.jpg[/img] These ferocious creatures are solitary animals. They prey upon the livestock of farmers and have been known to destroy property in search of an easy meal. They sleep the majority of the day away. However, if they are threatened or wakened from their sleep, they will shred the threat to pieces. Its considered a feat amongst Beast Whisperers to tame one. [b]Status:[/b] Aggressive. Attack when threatened.. or hungry..... or bored. [b]Found:[/b] Mountain dwellers. [/hider] [hider=War Dog] [img]http://shadowness.com/file/item2/42515/image.jpg[/img] Your friendly fido- they populate most cities as working and family dogs. They are courageous and loyal, willing to die to protect their owners. Maplestead is famous for being where this breed of dog was born. [b]Status:[/b] friendly. [b]Found:[/b] In any city. [/hider] [hider=Flea] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/294/5/0/durjj_2_by_captainslam-d83okwf.png[/img] Gross critters that live off of fungus and anything else that rolls into their homes. They rarely if ever leave the safety of their caves, but are sensitive to metals and so horde things like jewels and gold- which attracts their main food source to them- humans. [b]Status:[/b] Threats in dark places, like caves, outside they are paralyzed by light. [b]Found:[/b] dark, humid caves. [/hider] [hider=Voraptus] [img]http://ffxihaven.ffshrine.org/art/mons-conc/Bigbird.jpg[/img] These birds are built for high-speed chases and momentary flight. Many are often caught and used as mounts or as fighting birds. [b]Status:[/b] Threats when near nests. [b]Found:[/b] Out in the fields or plains, looking for food. Their nests are high atop trees. [/hider] [hider=Cavern Panther] [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/3/1000x701_1616_Lutra_2d_fantasy_animal_creature_concept_art_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] The Cavern Panther is a beast thought to have been mere legend only a few decades ago. They are solitary and it is currently unknown how many populate the wild. However, if the legends are true, seeing a Cavern Panther asleep in the moonlight would grant the viewer one wish. [b]Status:[/b] Dangerous. Keep away at all costs. [b]Found:[/b] mostly found in caves- however recent sightings say that they have been found in dark forests at night. [/hider] [hider=Lord of the Forest] [img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/78427c3ea7f414cdb5a9c74ea663030d/tumblr_n2eg9tHubt1rgyw5zo1_500.jpg[/img] There have only been a total of 12 spotted in the wild- remarkable, considering their size. They are protected against hunters by law. Legends tell that these creatures protect forests and travelers that find themselves lost in one. [b]Status:[/b] Friendly, yet illusive. [b]Found:[/b] deep in the forests.[/hider] [hider=Feathered Snow Wolf] [img]http://www.ffmages.com/ffxiv/images/concept-art/wolf.jpg[/img] These massive wolves act very much like our wolves- however the Feathered Snow is much larger (standing at the shoulder about 7ft and weighing about 200lbs) and much, much more feral. They blend in with the snowy mountain tops of their homes, hunting whatever they can take down. [b]Status:[/b] Dangerous, once they set on hunting you they will not stop until you are dead. [b]Found:[/b] up in the mountains. [/hider] [hider=Wyvern] [img]http://static.cdn.ea.com/blog.bioware.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Wyvern.jpg[/img] Wyvern's enjoy terrorizing the countryside and burning anything that moves. They also love eating sheep. [b]Status:[/b] Ask yourself: Is it wild? If yes, then run away. If it's tamed, they act like puppies. [b]Found:[/b] warm places, especially hot springs and volcanoes. [/hider] [hider=Bull Shark] [img]http://www.afuchan.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/bullsharksketch1.jpg[/img] RUN. RUN JUST RUN. [b]Status:[/b] You will die, they run as fast as a bull and bite like a shark... [b]Found:[/b] mainly in your nightmares but also near the ocean. [/hider]