These grown men were arguin' about something. I was with Sophia, when she said something. [i]"We need to be going. Alex. Angela. We need to go!"[/i] I looked down at her and nodded, gently squeezing her shoulder in my hand. "Aye lass, we'll get out of here right quick. And thank ye for wakin' me up." I looked up. The other men were still arguing when I saw the flashes of a light up above us. Someone close by? Probably. These shamblers didn't have the sense of mind to hold a torchlight and turn it on and off like that. I turned back to the guys, who'd stopped arguin', and pointed up at the bridge. Judging from the snippets of conversation I'd caught while trying to un-daze my mind, they were busy talking about current plans to get away from the wreck, about who was going to lead or that leadership didn't matter right now. What-bloody-ever, they'd missed the biggest signal of all. "Oy, fellas, look up and look lively! We've got someone up there on the bridge might want us ta follow 'im!" It was dark though, and not many of us had flashlights, at least as far as I knew. The only light came from the moon high above our heads. We had to get away from the wreck and away from this stupid place. The light had come from somewhere ahead of us, and judging by distance, it might've been that parking garage we'd passed by earlier. I took Sophia's hand and smiled down at her. "Alright lass, we're goin'. Don't mind the men, they're busy arguin'. They'll catch up." My bat in the other hand, I started walking. Screw them, I say. If they were gonna keep arguin' about whatever the hell they were arguin' about, I didn't want to be a part of it.