Reesh's sign did not go unnoticed. Jaza nodded, although Reesh didn't see the sign since he'd already gone off, and nocked an arrow on her bow. The iron tip glimmered gently in the sun that streamed between the trees, hopefully no one would see that. As Reesh charged into the bandits, Jaza loosed an arrow from her bow, and as swift as the arrow itself, drew another, nocked it and sent it on its deadly path, straight for the bandit archer, while at the same time one of the allied mages, floating in the air as it were, lobbed a strange-looking spell at him. The spell hit first, paralysing the archer and making him a perfect target. Her first arrow jammed itself straight into his shoulder, shoving him off balance as the second burrowed into his chest. That dropped him to the floor, quickly dying as the combined trauma of the two holes in his torso bled him dry like a gutted pig. Ahead of her, Reesh had dropped one of them by turning his head into mush, and was sizing up the other two for a beating. Behind him, the Khajiit mage had stunned a few of them with a spark spell to the floor, so that took care of that. Reesh drew another three arrows from her quiver and kept them in her hand. With that, she slinked around the action, trying to distance herself from any other possible retaliation, while keeping a line of sight on the battling group. She could keep Reesh covered, she knew that the lighter, more agile bandits could out-manouvre him in his heavy armour. She edged closer to the entrance of the bandit camp, positioning herself behind a tree where she could see the backs of the two bandits that were busy cowering and backing away from her compatriot. She lined up her first arrow and drew her bow. Might as well, since she was here. Her hand released its deadly cargo and it shot straight towards his back. The iron-tipped arrow shoved its way straight through his torso, the tip appearing out the other side of him. She shifted her aim to the other bandit, and with a quickness not yet rivaled, she drew first her second arrow, let it fly, and immediately drew her third and let that fly too. In the time it took her first to reach its target, her last two arrows were in the air, and they punched through the other bandit's leather armour, embedding themselves in his back and toppling him over. She quickly hid back behind the tree. As much as she enjoyed a good spot of archery, her other skill was in sneaking, and she did so away from her hiding spot. Hopefully she'd made it seem that the arrows were fired from a mysterious place, freaking out her Argonian compatriot possibly. Maybe. It did amuse her when she did things that he couldn't emulate. It frustrated him and made her giggle.