Jo'Resfo was very grateful to the others for their assistance. He was no fighter, hired instead for his mastery of diplomacy. Still, as the others barged in to steal the show, Jo'Resfo decided that he should at least provide some assistance to his comrades, lest he be seen as useless. He could not cast mass paralysis with his Argonian rescuer so near, but there were still two small things that he could do. First, he patted Reesh lightly on the shoulder with his free hand, both as a thanks and as a means to give the already well-armored warrior his Ebony Flesh, which certainly would allow him to fear no damage from their attackers. Second, he rolled quickly to the left, setting his eyes on the bandits' chieftain as he did. The man was occupied with keeping an eye on the Argonian who could probably rip him in two- good. Nobody ever payed any mind to the little cat bard. He lobbed a Magelight at the man's face, then began to somersault back toward the gate before he could see if it hit, out of the way of harm. The magelight would probably do little more than distract and annoy the man for a second, but he certainly deserved it.