[quote=@Captain Jordan] WHOA! Interface needs work, but WHOA! Hope to get a Mark Read/Unread feature, too, at some point. [/quote] Not sure where else to but these buttons, but here it is with the padding fixed: [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/spa/quq37nq1583x0lf/railhem9.png[/img] Gonna launch it soon with minimal features (no mark-as-read) so I can ensure it doesn't introduce a large performance regression. Also, I'll recreate the /subscriptions page layout on the topics-list of each roleplaying forum (i.e. make it so you see the latest IC, OOC, and CHAR post for each roleplay). Finally, the "Latest" button for each topic/roleplay is going to be swapped out with the go-to-first-unread logic.