[@Ogobrogo] Footsteps could be heard several minutes after the disappearance of the man. It was a clinking sound. It echoed dully , its subtle pitch resonating as the approached the undercover SeeD. Within moments a man stood in front of Ramses. "Why haven't you been answering you'r comms...?" He said , his monotone voice ringing out. "Put out that forsaken cigarette. It does far more harm than good. And you should know that it can inhibit your sight, I'd expect someone of your expertise to cherish their sight more." He said dryly as he approached and stood before him. "To the main topic at hand, it's time to evac." He said not giving any explanation for this order at all as he expected him to simply to comply. His eyes then examined everything around them calmly. He knew he didn't fit into the scenery but there was no way he was willingly going to change out of his suit. "Let's get going, I've heard spiders are ample this time of year." He says turning and walking , he knew this tidbit of information , whether true or not would push doubt and subtle fear into his mind and influence him to hurry. He continued his walking , following the subtlest of imprints and marks he made to return to his original location, clearing them afterwards so that they would not be followed.