[hider=Body CS] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PdLwGtg.jpg[/img] Gender: Male Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Race: Kobold Appearance: As pictured, though he will dress down depending on the occasion, as well as generally toting around a hooded cloak. Equipment: Two large iron daggers, ten black powder bombs, quite ornate brass compass (not entirely his), rope w/ grappling hook, cloak, pipe, flint and stone, twist of tobacco, kobold food rations Combat Skills: Dual-wielded (offensive, assassination oriented) dagger fighting (High), throwing (Medium), explosives use (High), crossbow archery (Medium), hand to hand (Medium) Non-Combat Skills: Climbing, lockpicking, demolitions, species physiology, species knowledge, tracking cooking, tobacco curing Mana: Your capacity to store magical energy for use in both spells and techniques. Race is a huge part of this. Above-average for a kobold Magical Schools: Impromptu Magical Abilities: Dispel Magic- Allows for the dispelling and negation of magical effects on objects (esp. things like traps) Shadowmeld- Effectively full invisibility (including clothes) for a limited amount of time. Also serves to block against detect spells, but drains mana. Night Vision- Allows for the ability to see in the dark at percieved light levels similar to a bright room. Basically it's night vision but with true color. Detect Life- Allows for the spacial detection of living beings in the nearby area without visual sight. Detect Magic- Detects enchantments and other magical phenomena in an area. Techniques: Chameleon Scales- The ability for the scales on Irmo's skin to shift color depending on the enviorment to some degree, allowing for a degree of natural camoflogue that changes with his surroudnings. Biologically toggleable (if off, returns to pictured color) Assassin Strike- A powerful lunging vital strike with Irmo's daggers that does significant damage and can disable unarmored or weak foes outright. Artful Dodge- Irmo can evade an attack at the last minute in a springing sidestep that launches him several feet away, though this is quite bothersome to him. [/hider] [hider=Artifical Spirit CS] Name: Irmo Muskerra Personality: Irmo is a somewhat flippant and morally ignorant type of soul who would often drift into crime or at best the gray areas of society no matter where he was placed. However, if something interests him enough he is willing to take it seriously, no matter how much he may not act like it on the outside. Talents: These are potential skills that your artificial spirit is good at. Rather than the skills that the body your borrowing has, these are just the natural, latent abilities of your spirit. You may have only two at a time, and when they are used and trained in enough, they will be added as legitimate skills or magical abilities in their respective sections. This is to simulate the growth of your character as they learn their own abilities. Ultimate Observer- Irmo can discern everything from the minor injury leading to a brief pause in a man's stride to the casual tic of a horse to veer ever so slightly left every few seconds. Whether or not he can use this is up to the situation and the smarts of Irmo himself. Haggling- Irmo flippancy towards all but the highest people allows him to not take any price as something worth accepting, and combined with a natural charisima brewing deep within him allows him to be suprisingly good at getting him way in such a case. [/hider]