Name: Lance Vega Age: 29 Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: He doesn't really enjoy talking with strangers, and he hates small talk. He wants to get to the point. Sometimes he makes subtle, sarcastic humor but it can be hard to catch as it is often said under his breath. The best way to get him to warm up to someone is with food, which immediately lightens his mood; he eats a lot despite being scrawny. He doesn't like other people knowing what he's feeling, but even though he is stoic he can be sensitive. He has an issue with overworking himself and sometimes it's hard to take breaks. That's okay though because he can't get enough of dissecting gross tissue samples. He lights up like a kid on field day when he gets new samples. He is rarely ever anything close to commanding but in medical situations he changes quickly. Skills: Astrobiologist, medic. History: He was abused by his stepmother and then bullied in school a little when he was young, which is why he's often withdrawn and grouchy. He tried relationships multiple times, and they never worked. Through all of this, he was always very interested in aliens, and although he struggled in classes due to emotional problems, he did the best at biology. It was a struggle but he managed to get into college, where he studied biology. It was in college that he became interested in medical science, and added medicine to his credentials. He tried a couple parties, refused to drink anything, spiked or not, and was called boring. When he was out of college, he didn't really know what to do with his life. Recently, though, he accidentally discovered the possibility of extraterrestrial life on Earth while investigating the scene of an attack before the authorities arrived. Although very excited, he decided it was too risky to let out the secret, took a few samples, and put them in a freezer with the hopes of growing tissue samples later.