[quote=@Captain Jordan] And, [@Mahz], is it absolutely necessary to have one-click access to both the OP and Latest Unread Post? I'd be curious how many clicks to the OP you're going to get once the Unread feature goes live. As much as I sometimes detest it elsewhere, I'm wondering how awful it would be to just default those tabs to the Latest Unread Post. [/quote] That's a good question. I default to forum convention when I can, but I would like to use analytics to experiment with other possibilities. I'm using Google Analytics, so maybe I already have the data I need to measure that kind of stuff. As it stands, the first page of a topic is important for the original context. But for a roleplay, it's a bit more open ended. Similarly, I often wonder what the best "OP" for a roleplay is. For instance, if I link you to my roleplay [code]/topics/142[/code], it currently redirects to the first page of the IC tab which kinda makes sense since the OOC and Character tabs are supporting behind-the-curtain tabs for the main production: the IC tab. ...But it's kinda weird when you look at it from the perspective of Google search results. Do I tell Google to index the IC, OOC, and Characters tabs of each roleplay? Then, if someone searches Google for a roleplay title, what is the most relevant result? I'm also splitting the relevance between three pages (page 1 of each tab) instead of representing a roleplay as a single page to google. Maybe it makes sense to have a "dashboard" or "hub" page for each roleplay. A high level overview of the roleplay of some sort that also acts as a landing page. I don't know. I think the right solution will emerge as I continue to make incremental, uncontroversial changes to the Guild. I'm already stressing the forum metaphor as it is. The codebase is already littered with "if roleplay, do this, if regular topic, do that" branch logic. :lol I can't wait until the topic and roleplay systems naturally separate from each other in time. That said, I still have plenty of work to do just catching up to what people expect of a forum.