[quote=@Paradox Witch] [hider=Haha Time For Mud] [center][b]Body Character[/b][/center] [center][i]"What the...the hell's with these sleeves? What sort of fashion genius designed this trash?"[/i][/center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PvSSYIh.jpg[/img] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral Evil [b]Race:[/b] Homunculus [b]Equipment:[/b] [i]Light Armor:[/i] "I'm not some kind of barbarian, thank you." [i]Short Sword+Scabbard:[/i] "...a-at least I can lift it." [hider=Bag of Mundane Goodies] "I'm not carrying this junk separately in my hands or something. Use your head, clod." [i]Granola+Fruit:[/i] "A healthy snack on the go!" [i]Torch:[/i] "Look, special eyes don't give you night vision, [i]okay[/i]? What if there's a cave or something? Dammit." [i]Well-Insulated Blanket:[/i] "No, you're not allowed to share it. This is mine, you pig." [i]Cloak:[/i] "...I don't want to get wet if I don't have to. Stop giggling." [/hider] [b]Combat Skills:[/b] Nil. [b]Non-Combat Skills:[/b] [i]Eyesight:[/i] Has never and will never need glasses. Short and long-distance vision is exquisite. She has special eyes. [i]Homunculus:[/i] Traits innate to homunculi of her make and model. As a magic-centric design, magical and mental aptitude is immense but physical specs are abysmal. Can consume food and drink, however requires them in far smaller amounts than a natural living being to continue standard functions, to the point that sustenance can largely be ignored; breathing operates similarly. Consumption of food/drink can be used to restore mana, though. [i]Rhythm:[/i] Highly conducive to feeling and picking up "patterns and flows" around her. Basically just a high aptitude for patterns and cohesion; like this, disruptions in established patterns are easier noticed. Would also make her a decent singer, if she could carry a tune. Ah well, there's always percussion instruments. [b]Mana:[/b] An existence built around use of magic; as a homunculus, her mana is appropriately high. [b]Magical Schools:[/b] [i]Laws of Velocity- Basic[/i]: The magic school that is the sole specialization of this body. On face, a wind-style magic school. In fact, to one who is not a practitioner, that is what it will certainly seem as. In truth, it is a magic of "velocity" that often uses a conduit of wind. Operates upon two precepts: slow and fast. The fast aspect is often used for what would be called conventional wind magic; "blades" of wind, propelling oneself with wind, and the like. Something like "starting a fire" is possible, but is inefficient, comparatively nonpotent, and cannot be innately controlled as fire magic allows; thus, it is largely useless save for something like lighting a torch. The slow aspect is often used for such things as "slowing the descent of one's fall" or "altering air pressure". Both aspects can be used outside of the conduit of wind, simply applying "slow" and "fast", but wind is a general go-to for ease of magnifying effects. [i]Laws of Velocity- Advanced:[/i] The "higher level" of the Fast and Slow aspects, revolving around accessing the terminus of their aspects. At the current state, it is horribly inefficient to actualize and so, while powerful, use is largely inadvisable. At this level, the fast aspect may reach a level where it gives way to Spatial Folding, blurring space under the speed of an attack. The slow aspect's current limit is Spatial Slowing, a "slow attack that slows space around it"; Slowing is not the true terminus of the slow aspect, but as it is the peak of current Slow Aspect abilities, it is placed here. For the laws themselves and not merely the aspects, there may even be a higher level still that could be reached, but it is impossible to be certain at this moment. [b]Techniques[/b]: Nada. [b][center]Artificial Spirit[/center][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Diana [b]Personality:[/b] Abrasive, brash, and a bit of a bully on the whole. Has a propensity to slang in casual conversation. When acting nice, it's generally a sickly sweet chiding mockery that will fade away once she gets bored with it. Is a pure maiden regardless. [b]Talents:[/b] [i]Human Observation:[/i] Not limited to humans, but called this anyway. A talent to read others. In latency it is little more than the general ability to read things like body language, rather than being something obscene such as gauging one's alignments, nature, and ideas at a glance. [i]Business:[/i] Propensity for "capitalism, ho!". Stepping over the corpses of others, making money from nothing, spending money to make money, and so on. Even if not explicitly applied to running a business, business sense is nonetheless valuable. [/hider] [/quote] That's a cute character.