Alexis’ face was anything but sympathetic as the tiny machine whined. She could not comprehend why any robot would be programmed to ‘feel’ pain. There were far more efficient means of detecting damage, and the hideously annoying sound the little bot was making rang into her ears and made the more tender parts of them flinch. Her mechanical hand flexed, held back only by Zac’s illogical need to keep the malfunctional thing in one piece. The sputters of a news reel were lost on Alexis, who found nothing comprehensible in them. There was a strange voice and words of reprimand in Latin, but that was a long dead language and had no meaning she could attribute it to. Perhaps it was some battle mantra? Were the humans at war? Alexis sighed, fixing a deadpan look on Zac. “If you are going to keep that piece of junk, turn the volume down. Its unpleasant pitch is unsettling my auditory sensors."