Sev was not the best fighter... Yet, but that didn't mean he couldn't dodge an attack. School had given him quite a bit of practice with that actually. The book closed as He ducked to the left followed by a roll in the same direction. The sheid vanished back into the ground, then Sev opened the book again. Kali turned and saw Sev pointing his two fingers again. Just like before, she pointed a hand in the same direction. "[b][color=red]Vilar[/color][/b]." "[b][color=red]Vilar[/color][/b]." "[b][color=red]Vilar[/color][/b]." Three consecutive shots fired from Kali's hand, each one stronger than the last. All three were aimed right at Mysterion. "C'mon Kali!" Sev yelled as he grabbed her by the back of her dress. They ran behind a bush and crouched behind. "Why hasn't he used any spells?" Kali asked. "I'm not too sure, but that man must be around here somewhere," Sev replied. Kali frowned, "I'm not too sure Sev."