[center][h1]Artificial Spirits[/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mDkUNoZ.jpg[/img] [/center] Currently, anyone who has not previously posted in the interest check or contacted me via PMs cannot join the RP right now. However, if you want to join the roleplay, drop me a PM and when the next wave of characters are allowed in(along with the release of new races), I will contact you and your spot will be reserved. [hider= Introduction] Artificial Spirits is an original fantasy world roleplay, taking place in the declining years of the world. The lands of men and monster have the atmosphere all too similar to that of the final days of Rome on our planet. Problems must be solved, but said problems make it very hard to find answers. However, a certain Goddess has decided that such a thing is irrelevant to the grand scheme of things, and has enacted a plan to change fate. You are a piece in that plan. However, you are not necessarily a hero "blessed by the gods". You are not a natural inhabitant of this world. Rather, you are an artificial soul created by this Goddess to inhabit the body of another to give you a physical form. As such, the application process will certainly be different than other roleplays, as your "character" is just a soul inhabiting a body that isn't even theirs, with all the baggage that person(now just a soulless body) had before they expired- along with their powerful abilities, magic, or talents. However, a certain amount of customization is needed to personalize ones RP experience. As such, you will be able to determine the powers, alignment, race, and appearance of the body you inhabit- but not what they were like in life, nor what they did during their life. After you apply your characters new body, I will write their history and personality, both of which you must discover yourself in the RP, if you care enough about what your body did during its life. You will of course be able to determine the personality of your artificial soul who is now inhabiting that body, of course. You know little of this world you were just born into, meaning knowledge of the worlds situation and history is almost 0. If anyone has questions or concerns, feel free. This is an unorthodox approach to a fantasy RP that I hope will make things more interesting- making RPers learn about the world through action, rather than looking at large paragraphs in the OOC. [/hider] [hider=Races] Human They’re humans. Generalists that can do almost anything and can choose to specialize in almost anything and do fairly well at it. They can fairly rapidly learn new things and adapt according to their circumstance. Dwarves They’re dwarves. Good at smithing, mining, and have a very high strength and endurance for their size. Elf They’re elves. They are slightly better than humans in general ability, and have the advantage of practical immortality. There is slower growth due to their longer lifespan, however. Potent general magic. Orc They’re Orcs. Particularly adept at the use of techniques, and their physical abilities are nothing to laugh at. Potent, but specialized magic. Golem Typically non sentient artificial life created by a combination of magic and engineering. They can be simply “living” rock, clockwork automatons, magical puppets, etc. They customize their abilities through the use of interchangeable parts, and have no other means to gain new abilities or techniques- they are item dependent. Quality and intelligence can vary, but making one with legitimate sentience is very rare. Homunculi Artificial life made through magic and alchemy, they are always organic in nature. They are capable of learning and growing, but they are already “perfect” from birth. That is to say, they are designed for a specific task and it is very hard for them to do anything outside of it- but they will do that task amazingly well. For example, one designed to assist in magic would be very potent at magical theory, but would have a very fragile body. Giant Human-like beings who dwarf most other races in size, standing many heads above them. Their physical strength is obviously immense, and their skin itself is a sort of armor. They are extra receptive to healing abilities or items. Most giants have unstable and diluted blood that manifests in unfavorable mutations in almost every generation. Fairies Tiny handheld beings that are fast, mobile, and can naturally use illusions and turn invisible. Owing to the size they have, the physical ability of Fairies is almost 0, and even a fragile old mage could seriously injure or kill them in one punch. They are capable of shapeshifting to a larger form, but it’s also fragile as glass unless they specialize in shapeshifting. Their magic is among the most potent(if indirect), but their magical capacity is tiny. Slimes Beings made of magic who are simply a blob. All Slimes are “colored” toward an element, and become somewhat like its physical embodiment. They have the benefit of naturally being able to manipulate their element very easily, as if its breathing, and being totally resistant to damage from that specific element. Generally however, its hard for them to control that magic, so they tend to use their own bodies as a weapon, which can take the properties of their element. Somewhat hard to kill due to their biology, though they do have a core one can target; otherwise one must use magic or inflict huge amounts of damage on them. Can shape their body like that of a humanoids. Spider-Folk Essentially Dryders who are very fast and mobile. Their limbs could be tought of as weapons, and their chitin is equivalent to light armor. Their saliva can be used to paralyze others, making even their bite a weapon. They can produce excellent webbing which is light, strong, and receptive to magic. Kobolds Lizard people around the size of dwarves who are very hardy, with scaly skin that is like light armor. They’re capable of surviving in most environments, and seem to be silent and mobile. Their scales are used as camouflage rather than armor. Lamia Human from the waist up, snake from the waist down. Very strong physically and magically, and they can constrict almost anything. Their saliva can be poisonous, and their bite can crush even armor. Their scales are stronger than full plate. Capable of eating the flesh of other beings to restore their mana and preserve their life. A water based variant exists. Dark Elves They’re Dark Elves. Weaker than Elves in terms of physical abilities, but their magical capacity is higher. They are not naturally immortal, but their magic is among the most potent. They are capable of extreme body modification in almost any way without any problems, allowing them to customize themselves in a way not unlike Golems do. Dryad Beings tied to the land they exist in. Their existence is tied to nature, and they are capable of understanding it in a way others can't. In the same ways Slimes can be thought of as sentient manifestations of their element, Dryads can be thought of as sentient manifestations of a part of nature. Their magic operates through the natural world, and its potency can decrease in areas of heavy civilization. Undead Dead bodies who keep moving around for whatever reason. There are a few different types, so PM me if you’re interested in the undead races. Vampire They’re vampires. Weak to magic involving faith, weak to anything involving light, and burn to cinders during day time without proper preparations. Capable of limited shapeshifting, have enhanced strength, and require destruction of the head or heart to kill. Immune to most non magic weapons, though certain metals such as silver can kill them. Fear religious symbols, submersion in undiluted water can harm them, and so on. Typical vampire stuff. A vampire is one of the previous races permantly transformed into the vampire race; if you want a vampire, PM me so we can work that transition out. Devils Originally humans who had “impure” ancestry earlier in their lives. Essentially Tieflings. Their magical abilities are high, along with their physical abilities. Their blood is unstable, and the only reason they exist as a race is due to a curse placed on them. Mer-Folk Mer people who are part fish part humanoid. They gain normal legs when on land, and are naturally capable of breathing under water. [/hider] [hider=Example Sheet] [Hider=Body] [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/DM6QLYK.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral Evil [b]Race:[/b] Dark Elf [s][b]Appearance:[/b] Owing to the nature of her reinforced leather "armor", she's likely to try and gain more protective and less revealing armor as soon as possible. Until then, she'll make sure she's in the cloak at all times.[/s] [b]Equipment:[/b] Large Cloak, large Blanket, 2 Flasks, 5 pounds of dried and salted pork, 5 "loaves" of hardtack, 3 pieces of colored chalk, 40 bronze coins, bag with strap [b]Combat Skills:[/b] She has a barely passing skill at using the impromptu weapons they can make using body manipulation. They are not well versed in normal weapons and never make use of them, with the exception of "bashing your face in with the business end of my walking stick"-fu. [b]Non-Combat Skills:[/b] Passing knowledge in survivalist skills and ruins/caves, with a fair amount of skill in historical knowledge and geography. They are knowledgeable in most aspects of military and political matters. In going with their blood magic and daemonology, they have a scientific knowledge of biology and are skilled in the use of languages. [b]Mana:[/b] High [b]Magical Schools:[/b] Blood Magic, Daemonology [b]Magical Abilities: [/b] [i][b]Force Magic(Blood)-[/b][/i] Arcane energy that can be used for various purposes, such as a blast of energy, or a shield. Its effect tends to be rending and has a dark attribute. Uses own blood as the catalyst, with words used as the ignition. [i][b]Body Manipulation-[/b][/i] A varied ability that allows them to alter parts of their body using blood; most often used for weapons or defenses. The actual constructs are very weak, however. [i][b]Siphon-[/b][/i] Within a radius of a few feet, they can absorb and purify the blood of others to restore mana and help heal wounds. It is too slow to use in combat. [i][b]Blood Manipulation-[/b][/i] Capable of influencing the bodies of opponents by controlling the blood in their body; cost raises with enemy resistance and as more body parts are moved. [i][b]Daemonology-[/b][/i] With the proper books, materials, and incantations, she is capable of summoning and binding or bargaining with daemons. [b]Techniques: [/b] Blood Rush- Increases the users speed and reaction time for a short period of time. The more one moves, the more the body is strained. It's also fairly disconcerting to increase your speed randomly, so it makes changing ones moves in close combat harder. This is used primarily for defensive purposes; their first choice is typically not to get close if they don't have to. [/hider] [hider=Spirit] [b]Name:[/b] Roza Orzel [b]Personality:[/b] Orzel is happy to be alive; they enjoy experiencing the pleasures, feelings, and emotions life can bring. They wish to experience new and interesting things, and are somewhat materialistic. She has semi hedonistic tendencies. [b]Talents:[/b] [b]Appraisal:[/b] Roza seems to have an unnatural knack for judging what exactly an item is, its general value, and what it can do. This includes magical and enchanted items. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] [b]Body Character Sheet[/b] Gender: Obvious, I should hope. Alignment: D&D standard affair, albeit more flexible. Race: You may select one of the 18 playable races to use. Appearance: If you’re going to use a picture, just delete this section and put the picture at the top of this character sheet. If there are any differences between the picture and what your character looks like outside of clothing or accessories, keep this section and put them here. Equipment: Weapons, Compass, Watch, Extra Food, Torch, etc. Should be mundane, non enchanted items. You’ll be starting with relatively low level items, and a low number to boot. Take the necessities. Combat Skills: Very obviously your capability to punch people and your preferd method punching people. Sword Fighting, Pike usage, bows, crossbows, flintlocks, etc. give me a brief explanation of what level of skill you have in it after posting it. Keep in mind that there is no “general” sword fighting style, and there are countless sub styles that focus on offense or defense. This goes for most weapons, so you should say what sort of sword fighting they do. Non-Combat Skills: Cooking, rock climbing, etc. Mana: Your capacity to store magical energy for use in both spells and techniques. Race is a huge part of this. Low, medium, high. Magical Schools: What schools of magic one has knowledge in. Because magic is closely related to this worlds lore, send me a private message if you want to use magic and we’ll go over your options. Magical Abilities: A more specific look at your magical abilities. Techniques: Physical rather than magical abilities. Make use of mana but are not magic, I cannot stress this enough. They are short burst abilities(Such as a short increase in damage, a stronger or faster strike) or long passive abilities(trading ones sanity for increased physical power by going berserk). Regardless if they’re passive or burst techniques, they are still abilities meant to push your bodies past its normal limits to achieve something it normally couldn’t do. They cause fatigue, and use can result in injury or your body shutting down. Think of them as special fighting techniques. [b]Artificial Spirit Sheet[/b] Name: (Something Central or Eastern European in nature) Personality: As your character just started to exist at the start of the roleplay and have yet to even inhabit a body(which will be the one you app above), you will be relatively limited in this regard. Make a foundation for something that will be built upon in the roleplay. Talents: These are potential skills that your artificial spirit is good at. Rather than the skills that the body your borrowing has, these are just the natural, latent abilities of your spirit. You may have only two at a time, and when they are used and trained in enough, they will be added as legitimate skills or magical abilities in their respective sections. This is to simulate the growth of your character as they learn their own abilities. [/hider]