"Yes, well, just remember that if you want to turn me in, I'm the one with the handcuffs." Kasai smiled again and chuckled at the joke. Though she was far from being a corrupted cop, she knew that some in the city were. Those were the types of officers whom she looked to overtake and fire if she ever got her way. Disrespecting what the badge stood for just didn't do for her. Unfortunately, most matters like that never made it all the way to Chief Beifong unless they were serious. Kasai winced a bit at Avani offering to pay for dinner, considering she walked out the other day. Technically, it was Kasai's fault she left in the first place, and the comment was like rubbing salt in a wound that she'd soon rather put past her. She lay there a moment more, garnering the strength to get up. Once she did, she cautiously stood and put weight down on her injured leg. Much to her relief, it didn't hurt any worse than the other. "Breakfast shall be served." Steadily, she made her way into the living room and scanned the floor for her crutches. Though she wasn't in any great pain, she didn't think it wise to go walking around on her leg any further than she had to. She found one lying on the other side of her living room and retrieved it, then made her way to the kitchen. From the fridge she pulled out everything she would need to make them a decent breakfast. The stove was already heating up a couple of pans, and Kasai got to chopping up the ingredients she laid out on her counter and started throwing them into their respective pans. A batter was whipped up, as well as several eggs. Kasai grabbed spices and herbs from a cabinet, but refrained from adding as much heat to the dishes as she normally would. Fire nation cuisine tended to be a little on the spicy side, and she didn't want to scorch Avani's palate right off the start. A few minutes later, the smell of her cooking filled the apartment. Kasai retrieved a couple plates and utensils, setting them before adding the food to the table. It wasn't a five star meal, but she had the ingredients to make eggs, sausage, fried dough, and tea. Kasai walked back to her bedroom and found Avani bound up in the sheets again. Smiling, she went over and kissed her head, waking her from her nap. "Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey Avani."