[quote=@Fillet] [@DarkRaven], so your char is still a combat medic? [/quote] He's a medical officer. That's different. Medics are trained to stabilize battlefield injury and illnesses. Medical officers are certified doctors in the military. Ishida does what a Medic does and then everything else. He was once a surgeon, general practitioner and pediatrician in that order too, so he's more doctor than soldier :) [quote=@DJAtomika] [@Darkraven] You from Singapore too? :D [/quote] Yep. Hello! :) I actually had the idea of putting in a Singaporean NSF (I did this before in an RP I quit because the people there were insensitive jerks), or just cloning myself like Tearstone considered too, but for the time being, I have this character I've got to develop and play :) P.S: It's sad that Lee Kuan Yew has to go this year. I'm not his biggest fan, what with his eugenics and political purgings and whatnot, but he'd still earned my respect and admiration for doing so much good even when he's made some mistakes.