With a great pull Lexie had released the curtain off it's catches and the fabric dropped to the ground like a waterfall. Standing upon a great podium was Desium Corp's newest product, a Mech Cyborgel. It was Lexie's first time looking at the figure and it simply looked amazing. The metal housing was polished to a pristine shine with a slight tint to the colouring to give the components depth and appeal, but what was more amazing was the organic components that laid between the metal housings. It looked less like the current Mechangles, and that at the moment was a good thing considering the Mechangles received some negative reviews due to their cold, inhuman appearances. The audience began to roar into applause and Atemisk stood there proud at his new unveil. [i]"This must have been what Buji referred to as the 'Gen 3' prototype,"[/i] Lexie wondered. She looked over to see where her manager was, but all she saw was a large crowd of people behind the stage trying to get a sneak glimpse of the new Cyborgel. She did however notice someone else though. Standing amongst the group with a slightly serious expression was a familiar face, a fellow worker that Lexie knew. Lexie turned from the crowd that she could see before her and began to slowly walk into the group of onlookers. She pushed through the sea of bodies, feeling them push against her body as she walked against the current, until she arrived at the position where she thought this familiar face should be. "Mery?" Lexie softly spoke out as she looked around to try and see where she went, but no matter how hard she looked she couldn't see her co-worker. [i]"This is weird. She was here, I know she was here."[/i] "Mery!?"